Kisah seorang anak Melaka yang kini telahpun menetap di Pasir Gudang, Johor. Mencuba untuk mencari dan berkongsi idea dan pendapat, mengenai kisah hidup, perjalanan internet, dan banyak lagi.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Terus terang cakap,, aku memang tak pernah baca novel harry potter ni,, sebabnya nak abiskan novel tu memang amik masa yang lama....tak kena ngn aku kot....
tapi movie die,,,memang layan giler....sebabnye aku suka dengan animation yang dibuat,, lepas Lord of the ring, ini pun antara satu movie yang aku suka sgt tengok sebab CGI dan effect yang diorang buat...
Citer balik pasal movie yang baru aku tengok,,, aku actually nak tau apa sebenarnya jadi pada Harry Potter selepas Prof Dumbledore dibunuh,,, so aku carik la kat wikipedia pasal sinopsis novel yang last ni,, memang best,,, dan aku semestinya akan tunggu movie ni masuk panggung bulan november nanti,, untuk part satu,,
dan part yang last sekali,, bulan mei 2011,,
Wikipedia : Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is an upcoming two-part fantasy film adapted from the novel of the same name by J. K. Rowling and scheduled to be released on 19 November 2010 (2010-11-19) (Part I) and 15 July 2011 (2011-07-15) (Part II)
Link here :
Apa kata kite baca pulak synopsis untuk movie terakhir harry potter ni,, aku tak boleh bayangkan apa lagi effect yang akan diperkenalkan,, tapi aku rasa sure best tahap maharaja.....
Selamat membaca....
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Plot introduction
Throughout the six previous novels in the Harry Potter series, the main character, Harry Potter, has struggled with the inherent difficulties of adolescence along with being a famous wizard. When Harry was a baby, Lord Voldemort, a powerful evil wizard, murdered Harry's parents but mysteriously vanished after attempting to kill Harry. This results in Harry's immediate fame, and his being placed in the care of his muggle, or non-magical, relatives Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon.
Harry re-enters the wizarding world at age 11, enrolling in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He makes friends with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, and is soon confronted by Lord Voldemort, who is trying to regain power (and a body). Returning to school after summer break, there are several attacks on students after the legendary "Chamber of Secrets" is thought to be opened. Harry ends the attacks by killing a Basilisk and defeating Lord Voldemort's "memory" stored in an enchanted diary. The following year, Harry hears that he has been targeted by escaped murderer Sirius Black. Despite stringent security measures at Hogwarts, Harry is confronted by Black at the end of his third year of schooling and Harry learns that Black was framed and is his godfather. Harry's fourth year of school sees him entered in a dangerous magical competition called the Triwizard Tournament. At the conclusion of the Tournament, Harry witnesses the return of Lord Voldemort to full strength. When the next school year begins, the Ministry of Magic appoints Dolores Umbridge as the new High Inquisitor of Hogwarts. After forming an underground student group in opposition to Umbridge, Harry and several of his friends face off against Voldemort's Death Eaters, a group of Dark witches and wizards, and narrowly defeat them. In Harry's sixth year of school, he learns that Voldemort has been using Horcruxes to become immortal. Horcruxes are fragments of the soul that are placed within an object so that when the body dies, a part of the soul remains and the person can be regenerated or resurrected. However, the destruction of the creator's body leaves the wizard or witch in a state of half-life, without corporeal form. When returning from a mission to discover a Horcrux, Professor Dumbledore, the Headmaster of the school and Harry's mentor, is murdered by Severus Snape, a teacher at the school with whom Harry is consistently at odds and who Harry has suspected of being a Death Eater. At the conclusion of the book, Harry pledges not to return to school the following year and to search for Horcruxes instead.
Plot summary
Following Dumbledore's death, Voldemort has completed his ascension to power and gains control of the Ministry of Magic. Harry, Ron, and Hermione drop out of school so that they can find and destroy Voldemort's remaining three Horcruxes. They isolate themselves to ensure the safety of their family and friends. They do not have much knowledge about the remaining Horcruxes except the possibility that two of them are objects that belonged to Hogwarts founders Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff, and that the third is Nagini, Voldemort's snake familiar. The locations of the two founders' objects are unknown, and Nagini is presumed to be with Voldemort himself. As they search for the Horcruxes, the trio learn details about Dumbledore's past, as well as Snape's true motives.
The trio recovers the first of Voldemort's Horcruxes, Salazar Slytherin's locket, by infiltrating the Ministry of Magic. They recover the Sword of Godric Gryffindor; it is one of a few objects that can be used to destroy Horcruxes, and they use it to destroy the locket. In their travels the trio come across a strange symbol, which an eccentric wizard named Xenophilius Lovegood tells them represents the mythical Deathly Hallows. The Hallows are revealed to be three sacred objects: the Resurrection Stone, a stone with the power to bring others back to life; the Elder Wand, an unbeatable wand; and an infallible Invisibility Cloak. Harry learns that Voldemort is after the Elder Wand, but the trio decides that discovering Voldemort's Horcruxes is more important than procuring the wand for themselves. They break into Bellatrix Lestrange's vault at the Wizarding Bank Gringotts to recover another Horcrux, the cup of Helga Hufflepuff. Harry learns that another Horcrux is hidden in Hogwarts, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione enter the school. They find this Horcrux, the Diadem of Ravenclaw, and successfully destroy both.
The book culminates in the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry, Ron, and Hermione, in conjunction with students and members of the wizarding world opposed to the rise of Voldemort, defend Hogwarts from Voldemort, his Death Eaters, and various magical creatures. Several major characters are killed in the first wave of the battle. Harry discovers that Voldemort inadvertently made Harry a Horcrux when he attacked him as a baby, and that he would have to die to destroy Voldemort. Harry surrenders himself to Voldemort, who attacks Harry with the Killing Curse, sending Harry to a sort of Limbo between life and death. There, Harry meets Dumbledore who explains that because Voldemort used Harry's blood to regain his full strength, Harry is protected from any harm that Voldemort could commit, meaning that the Horcrux inside of Harry is destroyed but that he can return to his body despite being hit by the Killing Curse. Harry then returns to his body, the battle resumes, and after the last remaining Horcrux destroyed, Harry is able to defeat Voldemort.
The epilogue is set 19 years after Voldemort's death, involving Harry and Ginny, who are married, sending their sons, James and Albus, off to Hogwarts, with Ron and Hermione, who are now also married with children.
Bagi mereka yang nak membaca lagi lebih lanjut,, silalah rajinkan diri anda membaca di link original artikel ni di
6 tips dalam menggunakan Facebook dengan lebih efektif
Pendapatan Berulang (Recurring Income) - Impian Semua!
1. Buat Sekali – Dibayar sekali
Jika anda laksanakan kerja, jualan atau melaksanakan sesuatu kontrak sekali sahaja, anda juga akan dibayar sekali sahaja dan pendapatan anda akan berakhir di situ sahaja.
2. Berterusan Bekerja – Berterusan Dibayar
Jika anda buat kerja pejabat dari pukul 9 ke 5, anda akan berterusan dibayar selagi anda berterusan bekerja dengan majikan anda – dan ini biasanya dipanggil pendapatan berterusan. Ini adalah jenis pendapatan yang "dinikmati" oleh golongan pekerja. Walaupun anda seorang pakar bedah otak, peguam atau jurutera, anda cuma akan dibayar selagi anda berterusan bekerja. Jika anda berhenti bekerja baki akaun bank simpanan anda akan mula berkurangan.
3. Buat Sekali Dengan Betul – Dibayar Berulang-Ulang Kali
Jenis pendapatan yang ketiga ialah pendapatan berulang di mana anda akan dibayar walaunpun anda sudah berhenti bekerja. Sebagai contoh, jika anda menulis buku, anda akan dibayar melalui pendapatan royalti selagi buku anda itu berjaya dijual untuk kerja yang cuma dilakukan sekali.
Persoalannya ada ke pendapatan seperti itu disekeliling kita?
Ada, banyak sistem yang ada di internet yang boleh kita sertai, ada hypro bulk sms, ada GDI, ada affiliate marketing, macam-macam lagi cara yang boleh digunakan untuk kita memperoleh pendapatan sedemikian,
Sebab tu, saya nak bercerita tentang Global Domains International, yang mana dengan sistem ini, anda berpeluang untuk mendapat pendapatan yang lumayan dengan hanya mempromosi domain .ws untuk sesiapa saja yang berminat, bukan setakat di Malaysia, Singapura atau Asia, tetapi seluruh dunia,
Dengan bermodalkan RM35 sebulan, anda akan diberikan website percuma, email akaun untuk domain anda, dan peluang menjana pendapatan lumayan dengan memperkenalkannya kepada rakan-rakan anda.Bukan itu sahaja, anda akan diberikan akses kepada forum perbincangan yang bukan saja membantu anda dalam GDI, tetapi boleh juga digunakan untuk bisnes anda yang lain!
Cuba tanya kawan2 anda yang ada bisnes, tapi tiada laman web, sudah tentu mereka boleh ambil peluang ini untuk buat satu laman web untuk bisnes mereka dengan menggunakan domain name .ws, dan kalau mereka ajak rakan-rakan yang lain, sudah tentu mereka akan menjana pendapatan dari konsep yang sama jugak.
Fikirkan, kita bersama-sama menjana pendapatan dari sistem yang sangat menarik, anda jemput rakan-rakan anda, dan rakan-rakan anda jemput orang yang lain, secara tidak langsung anda boleh menambah kenalan, boleh menambah pendapatan dan belajar banyak perkara mengenai bisnes, atau apa sahaja yang terlintas difikiran. Ini adalah kerana melalui sistem yang diperkenalkan ini, anda bukan sahaja menyertai GDI, anda juga layak menyertai forum perbincangan internet yang dinyatakan di atas.
Jom sertai saya di Forum Perniagaan Internet, sekiranya anda kurang faham dengan penerangan ini, anda boleh menonton video yang menerangkan lebih lanjut tentang peluang pendapatan ini.
Sila layari laman web ini :
Semoga anda memperoleh serba sedikit pengetahuan dari artikel ini.
Ubat untuk motivasi diri
Biasanya, anda pasti akan rasa 'peluru' ini ialah produk atau bahan jualan yang digunapakai semasa 'peperangan' berlangsung, tetapi sedarkah anda, bahawa 'peluru' rahsia yang paling utama bukanlah produk serta bahan jualan ini ?
Terdapat 'peluru' yang paling penting, dan ia amat penting digunakan sebelum peperangan bermula..
Peluru yang saya maksudkan adalah :.
Sebelum menceburkan diri dalam bidang keusahawanan, perlu tetapkan matlamat atau menanam cita-cita. Ini kerana,tanpa matlamat anda seperti nakhoda yang belayar ke lautan luas tanpa ada arah tujuan!!.
Tetapi pastikan matlamat atau cita-cita yang anda tetapkan hendaklah rasional dan mampu dicapai. Sebagai contoh:
Mendapatkan RM1 juta pertama dalam masa 3bulan dengan hanya menjual kuih di gerai.
Matlamat sewajarnya biarlah mampu di capai dengan kemampuan kita. Lebih baik sedikit tetapi matlamat tercapai.
Bila matlamat anda tercapai, secara automatik akan lebih bersemangat dan bermotivasi.. ;)
Peluru 2* : FOKUS ( Focus)
Bila sudah tetapkan matlamat.. so perlu lah focus kepada matlamat tersebut. Kalau hanya tetapkan matlamat tetapi takde tindakan dan focus, takde guna jugak kan…
Fokus merupakan satu perkara yang amat penting, dan ia perlu berada dalam diri anda, terutamanya bila ingin menceburi bidang perniagaan atau keusahawanan.
Melakukan sesuatu perkara itu berserta fokus yang tinggi sebenarnya kunci kepada kejayaan mana-mana usahawan di dunia ini.
Tanpa fokus, anda tidak akan berjaya menjadi Seorang usahawan yang berjaya. Percayalah!!
Senjata #3 : SEMANGAT
Saya pasti Emran pernah gagal dan ramai orang di luar sana mengeluh bahawa mereka juga pernah gagal. Tetapi pada saya mereka bukannya gagal, mereka cuma belum menjumpai strategi atau ramuan yang sebenar untuk mencapai kejayaan.
Maksud saya di sini, Emran hendaklah berfikir secara positif. Bila pemikiran positif, secara tidak langsung tindak balas atau reaksi Emran juga positif.
Mungkin jika Alexander Graham Bell mengaku bahawa beliau gagal dalam mencipta telefon, mungkin sampai hari ini kita masih menggunakan burung merpati untuk hantar maklumat ke tempat lain.
Thanks to
ashraf aka cybersyndrome
Anda ingin menjadi seorang yang berjaya, jom sertai saya melalui team GDI Malaysia yang mana kita boleh belajar macam-macam perkara untuk mengembangkan bisnes kita. Bukan setakat domain .WS, malah lebih lagi.
Sila klik link di bawah untuk maklumat lebih lanjut!
Team Buat Duit Malaysia
Boost Your Confidence
1. Reward your accomplishments
Give yourself a treat, a break or simply a pat on the shoulder to
recognize your efforts for good work. You'll be surprised at how a
small gesture of encouragement can do wonders for your confidence
2. Allow room for mistakes and learn from them
Avoid being too harsh on yourself when you make an honest mistake.
Instead, take it as a lesson which you can reflect and learn from.
People learn and improve from the mistakes that they make. A person
who doesn't make mistakes is a person who doesn't grow as a person.
3. Remind yourself that you are a capable person
Constantly remind yourself how good you are with your strengths and
use them to your advantage whenever possible. Recognize your
superior abilities as this will help you feel good about yourself
and assures you of what you can achieve.
10 tips cipta produk informasi sendiri
Memang tidak dinafikan lagi, dengan adanya produk sendiri ianya adalah yang paling baik. Ye memang boleh saja anda katakan affiliate ada, Adsense, CPA dan program buat duit lain kan ada. Boleh gak buat duit kat internet dengan cara-cara berkenaan.
Tapi cuba anda lihat disekeliling anda, kebanyakan nama-nama besar di dunia IM ni semuanya ada produk sendiri. Affiliate mereka jadikan sebagai pendapatan sampingan sahaja.
Tidak mengapa jika anda ingin fokuskan pada affiliate sahaja buat masa ini sebagai contoh, tapi tanamkan keazaman yang tinggi, pada suatu hari nanti, anda akan cipta juga produk sendiri.
Jika anda hanya bergantung kepada affiliate atau program buat duit yang lain, ianya tidak stabil berbanding ada produk sendiri. Apa-apa boleh berlaku jika anda hanya bergantung pada affiliate atau Adsense sebagai contoh. Pihak penganjur program affiliate atau Adsense boleh sahaja menutup akaun anda jika terdapat perubahan peraturan atau di dapati anda melanggar syarat-syarat yang dikenakan oleh mereka. Kalau akaun anda di tutup atau di ban, sama la juga ibaratnya anda ‘tutup kedai’ secara paksa.
Kalau ada produk sendiri, andalah yang mengawal sepenuhnya perniagaan anda.
Jika anda merancang untuk mencipta produk sendiri dan menjualnya di internet, berikut 10 tips yang boleh anda cuba aplikasikan dalam kehidupan seharian, segala permasalahan yang saya sebutkan tadi akan selesai akhirnya :
1. Sentiasa membawa ke mana-mana sebuah buku nota kecil dan sebatang pen. Anda harus sentiasa bersedia pada setiap detik jika secara tiba-tiba anda mendapat idea. Jika tidak dicatat idea tersebut, saya pasti anda akan mudah lupa.
2. Idea yang datang secara tidak diduga tidak harus anda edit. Tulis sahaja, kemudian barulah anda fikirkannya semula walaupun idea tersebut ‘gila-gila’ dan tidak masuk akal sekali pun pada awalnya.
3. Mulakan mencari idea berdasarkan hobi anda. Ada kebarangkalian yang tinggi untuk anda mengembangkan sepuluh idea berlainan lagi hanya daripada salah-satu daripada hobi anda.
4. Kenangkan kembali pengalaman-pengalaman anda yang silam. Mungkin anda mempunyai pengalaman bekerja di sesebuah tempat yang menarik di mana perkongsian pengalaman tersebut amat bermanfaat untuk dikongsi bersama orang lain. Anda boleh mencipta produk informasi berkaitan bidang pekerjaan anda yang lalu.
5. Baca akhbar harian untuk melihat apakah isu-isu semasa yang menjadi topik perbualan hangat. Jika ia adalah suatu masalah, anda boleh fikirkan penyelesaiannya dan dari situ bangunkan suatu produk atau perkhidmatan yang boleh menyelesaikan masalah masyarakat di sekeliling.
6. Lawati perpustakaan atau kedai-kedai buku dan majalah. Di sana terdapat pelbagai buku dari pelbagai tajuk dan niche. Mana tahu dari situ anda akan mendapat idea baru untuk mencipta produk dalam sesuatu niche. Jika terdapatnya buku bagi sesuatu niche atau bidang itu, ada kemungkinan besar yang niche tersebut menguntungkan atau profitable. Sebab apa? Sebab dia mudah saja, jika terdapat buku atau majalah dalam sesuatu niche itu yang terjual sehingga kini, sudah tentulah ada orang yang membelinya. Ada orang yang membeli, maksudnya ada lah proses jual beli di situ.
7. Tengok dan kaji setiap iklan di TV. Dari situ mungkin anda akan dapat idea untuk keluarkan produk informasi. Pelbagai niche yang diketengahkan oleh iklan-iklan tersebut. So, the next time ada iklan di TV, jangan mengeluh atau tukar siaran. Kaji dan cuba jana idea untuk hasilkan produk sendiri yang berkaitan. Ini juga boleh kita jadikan salah-satu indicator untuk nak tahu samada niche dalam iklan itu profitable atau pun tidak. Sudah tentulah ianya menguntungkan dan buying niche. Kalau tak, tak kan lah pihak pengiklan sanggup menghabiskan wang ribuan RM untuk stesen-stesen TV macam TV3, ntv7 dan sebagainya menyirakan iklan mereka.
8. Buat research di Clickbank Marketplace. Di situ terdapat berpuluh-puluh niche berbeza. Bukan takat niche buat duit. Kembangkan minda anda sikit. Cipta produk informasi berdasarkan niche yang ada di situ. Jangan hanya fikirkan niche buat duit.
9. Pastikan idea produk yang bakal anda cipta tu menyelesaikan masalah orang lain. Tak guna kalau buat produk yang anda syok sendiri. Tanya diri anda, adakah produk tersebut boleh menyelesaikan sesuatu masalah.
10. Tanya pada diri anda soalan-soalan berikut : Produk anda mengenai apa? Siapakah yang bakal membeli produk anda? Mengapa mereka harus beli produk anda dan bukan produk orang lain? Bila pada kebiasaannya produk tersebut akan dibeli? Bagaimana para pelanggan anda boleh membeli produk anda dengan cara semudah yang boleh?
Ok sahabat digital ku. Semoga dengan tips-tips yang telah saya kongsikan di atas, boleh memberi idea kepada anda dalam mencipta produk informasi anda sendiri.
All the best!
Semoga anda dapat mencipta produk informasi digital anda sendiri.
Serba sedikit info tentang GDI.
1. Apakah GDI tu?
## GDI merupakan salah sebuah syarikat di USA ( Dah masuk sembilan tahun mereka beroperasi) yang menyewakan tapak hosting untuk web site kita dengan sewaan 10USD sebulan. Lebih kurang RM35-37 sebulan sewa yang kita kena bayar. Itu ajelah modal yang perlu kita sediakan. Selagi kita berminat nak teruskan dengan GDI, kita bayar je lah, tak perlu risau, kalau tak berminat, bila-bila pun kita boleh terminate, takde limitation kalau nak join GDI ni. Kita boleh buat website untuk perniagaan lain dengan sewaan domain dan hosting ini.
Klik link ini untuk info tambahan >>> http://www.perniagaaninternet.
2. Macammana nak buat duit dengan GDI ni?
## Kita promosikan GDI supaya orang lain lain pun join sekali. GDI bagi dua pendapatan.
a. Upah Mencari orang baru. Setiap minggu dari hari Isnin ke hari Ahad malam, setiap 5 orang baru yang kita bawak masuk, kita dapat upah RM350. Kalau 10 orang kita dapat RM700 dan seterusnya. Minggu berikutnya mula dengan pengiraan baru.
b. Komisyen. Setiap orang baru yang kita bawak masuk kata akan dapat komisyen sebanyak RM3.50 setiap orang dan setiap bulan. Kalau dapat 10 orang, maknanya kita dapat RM35 setiap bulan. Kalau yang 10 orang tadi bawak masuk 3 orang sahaja setiap orang, maknanya level kedua kita seramai 30 orang. Bulan depannya kita akan dapat 10+30 = 40USD lebih kurang RM140. Kita akan dapat komisyen sehingga lima level, itulah pencen kita.
Klik link ini untuk info tambahan >>> http://www.perniagaaninternet.
3. Berapa modal nak mulakan?
## 7 hari pertama selepas menyertai percuma, lepas tu baru mereka kenakan bayaran RM35 sebulan (USD10/bulan), itu sahaja modal yang kita perlu sediakan. Duit sewa tapak web kita tadi tu la. Itu je yang diperlukan, takde yang lain...takde additional payment, setiap bulan GDI akan tolak dari kad kredit / kad debit kita
4. Apa yang kita dapat dengan masuk GDI ni?
a. Peluang nak dapat pencen dan bisnes la.
b. Web site kita sendiri, contohnya, atau atau apa sahaja yang nak kita letak namanya.
5. Apa yang perlu ada untuk kita mulakan?
## Tentulah internet dan kedua Kredit kad. Pasal GDI nak tolak duit sewa tadi tu melalui kredit kad. Kalau tak ada kredit kad, dapat kan debit kad, tapi pastikan ada duit tiap-tiap bulan RM37 dalam debit kad tu, baru dia orang boleh kutip duit sewa. Kalau tak ada jugak debit kad, pinjamlah kredit kad kawan-kawan dan bayar je kat dia RM37 tiap-tiap bulan. Namun di sini saya mencadangkan tuan2 dan puan2 menggunakan debit card kerana lebih mudah untuk didapatkan dan praktikal oleh semua orang tanpa mengira golongan. Kalau kat Malaysia ni, ada tiga bank yang cukup senang nak apply, samada Maybank, Public Bank, dan Al-Rajhi Bank
6. Bila boleh mulakan?
## Sekarang pun boleh. Bila kita register, dah boleh terus buat promosi, walau pun kita dapat 7 hari free, hari kelapan baru GDI ambil duit sewa tapak tadi tu. Tapi hari pertama kita dah boleh jalankan promosi besar besaran. Dah ada orang dapat duit pun walaupun GDI belum amik duit kita.
klik link ini untuk join ahli
7. Macamana nak buat promosi, saya bukan pandai sangat nak cakap, lagi satu bukan ada masa nak keluar rumah ke hujung ke pangkal?
## GDI dah siapkan cara promosi paling mudah. Dapatkan nama dan email kawan-kawan, masukkan dalam ruangan "Jemputan" (Invite) dan klik 'Hantar:". Yang lain semua GDI buat.
8. Kalau saya tak faham lagi dan nakkan pertolongan, kat sapa saya boleh rujuk?
## Dekat upline anda boleh, dekat GDI boleh, dekat saya pun boleh. Dekat saya boleh melalui email pun boleh, telefon pun boleh... Register je kat GDI, nanti ada email upline (saya) yang anda boleh hubungi. Takpun join je forum, kalau ikut link saya, upline saya dah siap2kan forum untuk anda bertanya, semua soalan boleh dijawab,, takde masalah..
9. Ok, ajar saya bagaimana nak daftar?
## Dapatkan kredit card atau debit card dulu, kemudian boleh teruskan dengan daftar di website yang diberikan.. Ni lagi sekali saya paste kan.. http://www.perniagaaninternet.
Apakah Bisnes GDI?
United States Department of Commerce (badan kerajaan Amerika Syarikat) sendiri memberi kebenaran untuk
GDI beroperasi.
Jadi, anda tidak perlu risau tentang ketulenan bisnes yang anda bakal jalankan bersama GDI.
Anda bina bisnes global jika anda bersama saya dan rakan GDI yang lain.
Nak tahu dengan lebih lanjut mengenai GDI?
Tiada masalah. Lawati laman web di bawah dan saya pasti banyak soalan anda akan terjawab.
Nasihat saya jangan terlalu lama untuk buat keputusan. Saya sendiri dah berbulan-bulan membuat kajian mengenai ketulenan bisnes GDI supaya anda tidak perlu lagi habiskan masa berharga anda.
Sertai GDI sekarang dan terus bina bisnes yang lumayan ini.
Erti Kebebasan Dan Disiplin Dalam Perniagaan Internet oleh Zamri Nanyan
3 Ogos 2009 merupakan hari terakhir saya bekerja di dalam sebuah syarikat swasta di Pulau Pinang. Pendapatan 6 angka setahun di dalam syarikat tersebut saya tinggalkan untuk melakukan sesuatu yang saya ingin kecapi di dalam hidup ini. Tarikh tersebut juga menamatkan servis saya selama 12 tahun lebih di dalam syarikat "Research & Development" tersebut.
Mengambil keputusan untuk berhenti kerja bukannya mudah.
Saya bukannya seorang bujang. Dengan tanggungjawab sebagai seorang suami dan bapa kepada 2 orang anak yang masih di bangku sekolah dan seorang lagi tak sampai 2 tahun umurnya, saya pasti ada rintangannya.
Walaubagaimanapun, saya sudah buat keputusan nekad saya sendiri.
Saya inginkan sebuah perniagaan internet yang akan memberikan saya kepuasan dan kebebasan untuk melakukan apa yang saya kehendaki.
Saya mahukan masa saya banyak dihabiskan bersama-sama dengan keluarga dan melihat sendiri anak saya membesar di depan mata.
Namun, di sinilah datangnya cabaran dan disiplin.Disebabkan anak-anak saya yang masih lagi kecil, mereka memerlukan perhatian yang rapi. Si Imran bukanlah macam kakak dan abangnya. Beliau aktif sehingga boleh menaikkan rasa marah. Apa yang dilarang, itu yang dia nak.
Tapi itulah yang dinamakan kanak-kanak. Kena banyak bersabar.Dan sebabnya yang ingin saya nyatakan di sini ialah, walaupun saya sekarang bebas untuk melakukan perkara yang saya suka, saya masih lagi melakukannya pada masa rutin harian yang saya lakukan sebelum berhenti kerja - iaitu menjalankan majoriti daripada perniagaan internet saya pada waktu malam apabila si anak kecil sudah masuk tidur (mungkin pada masa akan datang, ianya akan berubah)
Jadi, adakah ini dikatakan menjalankan perniagaan internet sepenuh masa?
Atau menjalankan perniagaan internet separuh masa itu sebenarnya telahpun menjalankan perniagaan internet sepenuh masa?
Tak tahulah apa jawapan anda.
Tetapi, definisi saya ialah jika anda tetapkan bahawa anda akan lakukan perniagaan internet anda 3 atau 4 jam sehari dan lakukannya secara konsisten, anda sebenarnya telahpun menjalankan perniagaan internet anda secara sepenuh masa, tak kira anda masih bekerja dengan orang lain ataupun tidak.
Dan jika anda berhenti kerja dengan orang lain, dan masih menjalankan perniagaan internet anda 3 atau 4 jam sehari, tidakkah ianya juga bermaksud perkara yang sama.
Itulah sebabnya juga terlalu ramai yang beranggapan saya telahpun menjalankan perniagaan internet sepenuh masa sejak bertahun lamanya, bila saya masih lagi bekerja di syarikat swasta. Sebabnya ialah saya konsisten dengan usaha saya.
Memang saya tidak pernah nyatakan bahawa saya melakukan perniagaan internet secara separuh masa sebelum ini, kerana bagi pendapat saya, jika saya nyatakan sebegitu, ianya cuma akan memberi impresi kepada diri saya bahawa saya melakukan perniagaan internet ini separuh hati sahaja.
Dan itulah juga salah satu sebabnya kenapa rakan sekerja saya sebelum ini pernah berkata bahawa saya menjalankan perniagaan internet secara sepenuh masa, dan bekerja separuh masa - kerana pendapatan yang saya perolehi ada kalanya melebihi beberapa bulan gaji saya di syarikat tersebut.
Jadi, secara ringkasnya di sini, jika anda juga ingin membina perniagaan internet anda untuk menjadikannya sebagai sumber pendapatan utama anda nanti, lakukannya sepenuh hati, konsisten dengan apa yang anda usahakan dan tanamkan kepercayaan yang suatu hari nanti, anda juga dapat membina perniagaan internet dengan masa dan tempat yang anda tetapkan sendiri.
Mengenai Penulis
Zamri Nanyan mula berkecimpung di dalam Perniagaan Internet sejak tahun 2003. Internet juga memberikan Zamri kebebasan untuk meluahkan fikiran beliau, menambah ramai kenalan dari serata dunia dan menjana pendapatan pada masa yang sama. Beliau berasa puas sekiranya dapat membantu lebih ramai orang membongkar rahsia menjana pendapatan melalui Internet. Lawati laman web beliau di untuk mengenali Zamri Nanyan dengan lebih dekat.
Lirik dan Lagu - Hakikat Sebuah Cinta, Iklim
rentak die kot...takde kena mengena dengan kisah silam atau kisah terkini.....
yg lalu biarlah berlalu,, yang bakal datang ni yg perlu difikirkan.....
enjoy dengar lagu ni....
Lirik ada kat bawah....
Aku adalah insan yang tak punya, Cuma rasa cinta membara, Lalu tercipta rinduku padanya, Kerana cinta bahagia
Pujangga menyatakan oh cinta berharga, Dari emas dan permata, Lalu ku bawa cinta di persada jiwa,Sinar menyuluh gelita
Sewaktu debar cintamu terasa melanda, Bangkit rinduku padamu di ketika itu, Lalu tersentak diriku sedari lamunan, Kini sebenarnya aku telah kau tinggalkan
Aku adalah insan yang tak punya, Kilauan emas permata, Lalu kucuba menaburi cinta, Bagimu tiada nilainya,Tiada harta dan cinta
Link untuk download lagu ni ada kat bawah....tapi aku nak ingatkan....just untuk share jer...bukan untuk buat rete...kang tak pasal2 dapat warning dari DMCA....
Happy listening you all!!
mari mengisi masa stress ngan menjawab soklan²
this was what i answered last 4 years, masa tu aku kat UTM tgh sibuk2 abiskan final project....kat bawah die apa yang aku jawab setakat hari ni, selasa, 12-01-2010...Happy reading...!
1) song playing? why? >> Exist - Masih terserlah ayumu - Untuk buat PSM & teringat first crush with someone...
Metallica - Metal Militia
2) ever seen a ghost? >> nope...dengar ade...rasa pun ade...jumpa kalo boleh tanak!!!
3) what is the brand of your favorite shirt? >> Man United Nike's Away Shirt 2002
until now baju tu ada, cuma aku selesa ngan baju adidas RM25 yg aku beli kat al-ikhsan..nice n comfortable... ;)
4 ) what are u doing about 12 mid night last night? >> coding PSM..
layan movie,, star wars - a new hope..
5) if u are given a chance..wat would u like 2 change about urself? >> Malas!
kalau boleh nak ubah jadi orang yg lebih cool....tak mudah marah..tunang marah tu...
6) why are u answering this survey, questionare or watever u call dis? >> saja2,,, allowing other people to understand me more
same as my answer...let others know me better..:)
7) when is the last time u cried? >> lelaki nangis???
sure ada,, but cant remember..
8) what is your most favorite tv show? >> F.R.I.E.N.D.S.,, CSI
until now I love friends, but during weekend of course la football...layan liverpool.... ;)
9) is der anyone that u wish u could talk to right now? >> my ex dulu,,
my fiancee...sure die dah tido....
10) can u play an instrument? >> nope..ade belajar main gitar..tapi susah sebab aku kidal...
tu gitar je la..lain takde...
11) what do u prefer?coke or pepsi? >> Pepsi
dedua jarang minum.....
12) who's your crush? >> ramai...tapi crush dalam hati je...i'm not available la...
skang ade ke? my only crush skang ni ngn tunang aku jer...
13) wat is your best asset? >> dulu orang kata kat mata..tapi ntah!
until now i love my eyes....
14) are you a leader or a follower? >> suka jadi leader,,, tapi ok je jadi follower
a leader, cuma skang ni aku keje sorang2....tak rasa jadi leader or follower..
15) who is the picture in your wallet? >> my pic,, ade gambar my gf yg kerja kat avon dulu
nope,, no picture....dalam wallet aku takde compartment yg boleh simpan gambar....
16) ever played an mmorpg? >> ape tu?
until now i dont know what is that..
17) what is your level? >> level of what? efficiency? understanding?
18) age when u had ur 1st kiss? >> must i tell everyone? ader la...
must i tell everyone?
19) what are u doing while answering this? >> layan exist - oh benih adam untuk ilangkan rasa ngantuk
layan metallica
20) what is the brand of your cellfone? >> Nokia 3310 ade,, samsung T100 ade,, nokia 6310i pun ade....
nokia, aku suka either 5800 or 5320....
21) what is your cell network? >> maxis + digi
no digi rite now,,, using celcom n maxis...
22) what is the song that makes u happy? >> all the love in the world - the corrs
all song, janji rancak n happy..
23) are u a vegetarian? >> tgk jenis
24) fave number(s) >> 5
yeah 5
25) who killed ninoy? >> what's or who's ninoy?
26) are u in to the latest trends of today? >> nope..casual all the time
nope...tak casual...aku ada gaya sket la...huhu..
27) when is the first time you watched a horror movie? >> lama tu.....tak ingat!
masih tak ingat...
28) who's your favorite superhero? >> X-men kire ke? kalo camtu volverine la kot...
hulk...brutal sket...
29) what do you prefer? yahoo or google? >> google
of course google...
30) where do u study? >> University of Warwick,Coventry ++ UTM-Current
same as above
31) what is your school symbol? >> round - green
tak lupa lagi la beb....
32) is der anything you like to have right now? >> A new Phone, new Desktop or Laptop,
new phone dah rasa, new laptop dah beli,, aku nak beli camcorder plak...then nak beli kete baru,,,
33) ever wrote a song? >> Song-tak..puisi ade...
nope..puisi mmg ada tapi dah tak ingat...
34) if yes..what is the title? >> -
tak ingat,, nak buat acaner...
35) like math? >> a lot
dulu mmg suka,, skang pun still suka...cuma formula dah banyak lupa....
36) what is the color of your eyes? >> 100% malay - Black
always black... ;)
37) do you know how to drive a car? >> Yes. Dah 3 tahun lesen aku ni...macam ribut kalo bawak!
of course.... dah hampir lapan tahun beb,,,
38) hate the michael jackson? >> his song - yes. The Person - ape punya plastiklah mamat ni....
39) ever gone wild on public? takkkkkkkkkkkk
40) do you want to be a superhero? >> yes,,macam Superman,,, tapi tak pakai sluar dalam kat luar la... :)
yeah..hulk la...kejap besar kejap lagi kecik..unik... ;)
41) who's your fantasy? >> Aderla...
cant tell...all the people whom I love to see mcm tak best je skang ni...
42) how old are you when u had a crush? >> yeah 15...
15 kot....
43) do you remember his/her name? >> ingat lagi...tapi minah ni dah kawin dah last year.. :)
yeah...lupa plak die dah kawin...huhuh.....
44) when is the last time u went to a movie theater? >> huhuhuhu...lama gile...citer Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam
bukan tu la...first skali pergi masa tgk armageddon..... sumpah tak tipu.....
45) did you ever want to be a politician? >> tanak...makan sumpah orang...hidup pun tak berkat!
what for? keje tipu orang jer....
46) are you an emotional person? >> Yes..sekejap tapi hurt people's feeling
yeah....sekejap but i am learning to control myself...
47) Who's da 4th person on your received call list? >> Handphone aku ade 2 orang je yang selalu call
4th person? jap ae......ayah cik lya kiter....
48) Whats your main ringtone on your phone? >> Spider - Relaku Pujuk,, type 1 kat nokia standard ringtones :D
kamelia...sweet charity...
49) What were u doing at midnight last night? >> PSM!!!
malam tadi,, tido kot....
50) Who's bed did u sleep in last night? >> bukan kat katil...kat lantai je....
katil aku la...beli mahal2 takkan aku nak tido kat tempat orang lain plak...
51) What color shirt are u wearing? >> now? tak pakai...tadi biru
52) Most recent movie that u watched? >> DVD - Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire
star wars, a new hope...
53) Name 3 things that u have on u all the times? >> HP, wallet, kunci la...
kunci kete, 3 handphone, ngn wallet...
54) how much cash do u have in your purse rite know? >> less than rm 10 - belum pi cucuk la...
dunno...ade dekat 2 ribu kot...ada orang bayar hutang...heheh....
55) What is your favorite part of the chicken? >> Wing
same..tak berubah,,,
56) What's your favorite country? >> Malaysia la....
of course my home country...
57) I can't wait to...? >> finished my project n nak kerja!
get married...penat seh pk2 pasal persiapan kawin....
58) Who got u to join myspace? >> Friends la...
friends,,, but now dah terminate....layan fb jer...
59) How long have u been at your current job? >> nope..not working..busy ngn coding C++
2 years ++
60) Is Tom on your friends list? >> Who the hell is Tom?
tom myspace? kalau ada pun aku sure remove....
61) Look to your left. What's there? >> dinding
pintu keluar bilik aku....
62) Where are u right now? >> katil yg tak macam katil...buku je kat atas tu
depan pc...
63) What is the last thing/person u spent over 50 on? >> saman polis - mangkuk nak duit orang je!
to my fiancee la....
64) Who's your favorite villain? >> hmmm...
villain yg kat cite heroes tu ke? sylar la...tak pun doyle....
65) Whats the last piece of clothing u borrowed from someone? >> AKU TAK SUKA PINJAM BARANG ORANG! i said...tak suka pinjam....
66) What website(s) do u visit the most during the day? >>
a.,,,, e.any IM websites...
67) Do u have an air freshener in your car? >> nope
kejap ada....kejap lagi takde...
68) Do u have plants in your room? >> nope
nope...takde sebab malas nak jaga....
69) Does anything hurt on your body right now? >> takde,,
knee n my back.....knee sebab main futsal... back maybe wrong body posture,, think so...
70) What city was your last taxi cab ride in? >> taxi cab? dah lama rasanya tak naik teksi...tapi last sekali kat JB la...
jb,, last year kot...
71) Do u own a picture phone? >> no,, my picture phone with my gf
yup...2 out of 3 is picture phone,,,
72) What's your favourite Starbucks drink? >> aku tau mocha tapi mocha ape tatau...minum sampai sakit kepala
mocha/cafe latte...
73) Recent time u were really upset? >> last 2 weeks...orang marah aku sebab aku lambat bersiap selepas 5 minit diberitahu..
banyak kali kot....sebab kete himpit aku kat jalan sempit..mangkuk ayun....
74) What does your Friendster name mean? >> emran - nama aku la....
75) Elaborate on your current default photo >> mix picture...all my pic dulu kot...
my pix with my fiancee....
76) What's your current relationship status? >> it's complicated sebab...........
i'm engaged!
77) What exactly are u wearing right now? >> seluar siang tadi..cotton pants tapi tak pakai baju
seluar pendek ngn t shirt jer...
78) What is your current problem? >> PSM! && Nak kerja ape nanti???
gaji tak cukup ngn nak carik duit buat kawin...
79) What do u love most? >> my family and my gf
1. ibu, 2. ayah, 3. sister and brother, siti ilyana....
80) What makes u most happy? >> Loyar buruk ngn kawan, :D
kutuk kawan....
81) Are u musically inclined? >> dari black metal sampai dangdut..bagi je ape pun....
until now..layan jer....
82) If u could go back in time, n change something, what would u change? >> nak pi Warwick balik....nak ajak member temankan so that aku boleh grad kat sana,,,
nope...i am happy with myself rite regret....
83) If u MUST be an animal for ONE day, what would u be? >> sape nak jadi animal....bersyukur jadi manusia,,,
yeah my old answer is correct!
84) Ever have a near death experience? >> mintak dijauhkan...
nope...n tanak....
85) Name an obvious quality you have >> happy go lucky,,
same.....i am happy go lucky person...
86) What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now? >> May - Sketsa Sebuah Cinta ++ Metropolitan - Rahsia disebalik rahsia
metal militia...keep repeating for the third time sebab aku jawab soalan ni....
87) Who did u cut and paste this from? >> aina shaharina's blog...amik je lepas aku baca...
my old notepad files....paste balik sebab nak update...
88) Name someone with the same b-day as u >> aku tak tau....aku celebrate bday sengsorang je kot.. :P
tgk kat fb..rasa macam ade kot...
89) Have u ever vandalized someone's private property? >> nope
ada..aku calarkan kete orang sbb mrh die parking dekat ngn kete aku..heheh.....
90) Have u ever been in a fight? >> lama tak gaduh....tapi pernah la...
yup...zaman skolah...
91) Have u ever sang in front of a large audience? >> Large audience tak pernah ...small ade...
yeah...time camping dulu...
92) What is the first thing u notice about the opposite sex? >> dari muka ku tahu budi pekertimu..... -my dad ajar...
tgk la muka die dulu....then tau la...
93) What do u usually order from Starbucks? >> tak gi sana....
usually? takde y usual...aku bukan orang kaya nak g sana slalu....
94) Have u ever hurt yourself on purpose? >> yes..marah sangat..tumbuk dinding & ends up with my tangan terseliuh
ada...parut kat tangan...tapi dah nak ilang...
95) Has anyone ever said u looked like a celebrity? >> ahahaha...En. Che Lokman - lecturer Discrete Math kata aku macam Khai???
tu...dah jawab....
96) Do u still watch kiddy movies or TV shows? >> Sin Chan yg kat Indon je....
layan...ada ratatouille, 9, monster vs alien...mcm2 lagi la...
97) Did u have braces? >> no
98) Are u comfortable with your height? >> 180cm dah tinggi tu.....
yeah i am...
99) What is the most romantic thing someone has ever done for u? >> bila die bagi aku present tanpa aku.... and bila die cium tangan aku... :P
sama kot mcm dulu..cuma orang die je beza....
100) Do u speak any other languages? >> nope... Malay and English only
101) Do u have a crush on someone on your myspace? >> myspace? untuk tengok orang je...
takde...dah cancel pun....
102) Name >> Emran bin Osman
must i tell once again?
103) Nickname >> em, adix, versus
104) Birthday >> 24-06-1981
105) Birthplace >> Melaka
106) Current location >> Skudai
Taman Scientex, pasir gudang, johor....
107) Places you've lived >> Pasir Gudang dari aku kecik sampai skang...
same...rasanya aku mmg tak boleh blah dari sini kot...
108) Places u want 2 visit >> Keukenhoff,Amsterdam masa autumn...
london...main salji kat glasgow/switzerland...
109) Ethnicity >> Suku Chinese - lebih melayu
my mom ada separuh darah cina...separuh lagi melayu.... my dad mmg pure 1/4 cina, 3/4 melayu..... bukan orangnye 3/4 tau....
110) Eye color >> Black
111) Hair color >> Black yg tak black sangat...
112) Height >> 180 cm
113) Hopes >> nak kerja...kawin and live happily and blessed all the time
nak kawin, nak bahagiakan my future wife...n nak hidup senang......
114) Fears >> takut aku mati tak sempat tobat
115) Tattoos / Piercings >> dedua haram....
116) Pets >> Nope
117) Favorite animal >> takde,,
118) Favorite place to shop WINDOW shop >> Low Yat Plaza - IT stuff
landmark...jusco...semua shopping complex aku layan....
119) Favorite perfume >> tak pakai...tak minat buat masa ni
love armani code,, but for my wedding,,, sudah tukar... ;)
120) Favorite place >> Depan PC la..demam kalo takde PC,, Pantai Lido + Mersing
depan PC, depan laptop...tesco seri alam...jusco tebrau...restoran osman, sayed...mcm2 tempat la...janji ngn cik lya aku....
121) Favorite color >> black, blue and now starting to like brighter colour
black, blue, white, brown...
122) Favorite sport >> football
123) Favorite Drink >> Nescafe changes...
124) Personality traits you'd like to change >> ade ke?
125) What you love most about yourself >> everything....
love myself rite now...alhamdulillah....
126) Most missed memory >> bila masa nak balik lepas jumpa gf
lepas hantar tunang.....
127) Have you ever been in love >> ader la...
128) Have you ever been rejected >> tak kot...i'm trying very hard to make sure people accept me
129) Have u ever rejected some1 else >> ade
yeah...2 kali....
130) Are you hard-working >> tengok kerja...
131) Are you responsible >> in certain task
yes....dah keje aku...
132) Are you open-minded >> all the time tapi bila part my gf citer orang minat kat die buat aku lemah badan
133) Pet peeves >> penipu
134) The one thing you'd change if you could >> nak tukar kaler bibir boleh?
takde kot...
135) Most annoying actor / actress >> Mariah carey kot...ko tu boleh nyanyi je...
tu..dah jawab...
136) Most annoying music artist >> tanak jawab boleh?
tk tau siapa aku nak benci...heheh....
137) Morning or night person >> early morning && late night - Yes
dedua...tapi lately ni tak boleh nak berjaga malam...
138) Chocolate or vanilla >> Mix it
139) Pepsi / coke >> Pepsi
dedua jarang minum...
140) Street smart or book smart >> Both
street smart....
141) Number of children you want >> kalau diberi....nak 2 je
2 bleh, 3 bleh...4 pun ok jugak...
142) Ever come in first >> Yes
yeah baby.....
143) Popular or Unpopular in high school >> Popular sebab cikgu 'kata' aku bermasalah ngn cikgu lain
yep..dah jawab...
144) Popular or Unpopular in college >> sembunyikkan diri
low profile...
145) Instruments you play >> tak main ape ape
146) Most romantic thing ever done for you >> dah jawab kat atas
147) Most challenging moment >> lepas final exam kat uni of warwick..nak balik mesia masa tu....
past two years....zaman bujang sebelum kenal ms lya....
148) Latest purchase >> baju ti:zed (ye kot) kat JJ
baju nicole,, buat g annual dinner...
149) Currently listening to >> tutup winamp...ganggu concerntration
eye of the beholder....
150) Best friend >> Jerome, Azmil, Aaron & salman
till now,, but ada add lagi burn, mr riza, saufi, nik...bebudak JPL...
151) Do you like your job >> kalau kerja yang aku buat ni....tak kot....kena kerja siapkan PSM...pening! gaji plak sket kicik.....
152) Do you drink >> tak pernah pun
tak pernah...
153) Do you sing in the shower >> nyanyi je....tapi baru la ni tau yang nyanyi kat toilet tu tak bagus....
154) Do you like to read >> Yes..CHIP IT magazines tiap-tiap bulan,
155) Do you like to watch movies >> Suka sangat
yeah baby....
156) Do you like to party >> tak pernah pergi...tapi suka nak join....
tak payah la...malas nak p...
157) Are you happy with your life >> yes..challenging....tapi pada aku ok je....
yep....learning a lot of things everyday....
that's it....tak sampai sejam pun aku jawab.....
Belanja kenderaan boleh dijimatkan!
Kenderaan merupakan keperluan lebih-lebih lagi jika anda tinggal di bandar tetapi jangan jadikan ia BEBAN yang menyusahkan hidup anda.
Perbelenjaan dari kenderaan merangkumi:
1- Bayaran ansuran bulanan
2- Petrol
3- Tol
4- Parking
5- Servis
6- Insurans
7- Cukai jalan
8- Saman
9- Kos membaiki kerosakan
10- Kemalangan
11- Dan perkara-perkara sampingan lain
Antara perkara yang anda boleh lakukan untuk menjimatkan perbelanjaan ialah:
1- Bayar ansuran kereta anda pada kadar yang lebih setiap bulan. Semakin cepat anda langsaikan hutang kereta anda, anda akan jimat daripada membayar bunga kepada bank. Jangan kayakan bank anda.
2- Rancang perjalanan anda, jangan membawa kereta dengan tergesa-gesa dengan menekan pedal minyak dan brek dengan mengejut. Ia akan mengakibatkan penggunaan petrol yang lebih banyak.
3- Singgah dan selesaikan urusan anda semasa pergi dan balik kerja. Tidak perlu pulang ke rumah dan keluar semula. Itu membuang masa dan membazir namanya.
4- Keluarkan semua perkakasan yang tidak berguna (jangan pula anda keluarkan tayar simpanan) untuk mengurangkan berat kereta anda sekaligus mengurangkan penggunaan petrol.
5- Elakkan ke tempat yang dikunjungi ramai. Jika anda ingin ke pusat membeli belah, cuba jadualkan pada malam hari bekerja. Ini kerana anda akan membayar lebih harga 'parking' pada hujung minggu dan boleh menghabiskan masa
setengah jam semata-mata untuk mencari parking!
6- Servis kereta anda mengikut masa yang ditetapkan kerana kerosakan akan lebih merugikan anda jika berlaku.
7- Buat rayuan agar saman anda dikurangkan sebelum anda menjelaskan saman. Yang paling baik ialah, patuhi undang-undang jalan raya. Undang-undang dicipta untuk kebaikan. Patuhinya...
Banyak lagi cara untuk menjimatkan perbelanjaan kereta anda.
Fikirkan lagi apa yang lebih sesuai untuk anda.
Untuk lebih banyak tips penjimatan, sila click link di bawah...
4 ways for confidence boost
1. Understand yourself better
Identify what you really want and what your goals in life are. List out your strengths and weaknesses and try to find ways you can use them to your advantage. Focus on your strengths and improve on your weaknesses.
2. Set goals that are achievable
Structure your goals in a way that will make you feel motivated to work hard and achieve them. A great way to do this is to split up your big goals into smaller, incremental goals. This way, you can easily see the progress that you're making, and will be motivated to work harder.
3. Identify role models
Look for key figures with qualities that you wish to emulate. When in doubt about certain matters, just think, "What would <your role model> do?"
4. Reward yourself when you do something well
Always encourage yourself by treating yourself to something good when accomplishing a goal. It does not have to be expensive, but sufficient enough to make you feel good about achieving more.
Of course, you must also be willing to make sacrifices and put in a lot of work to achieve the peak confidence in you.
The 50 Biggest Movies of 2009 selection for year 2009
25: Hannah Montana (May)
Dolly Parton, Tyra Banks, Heather Locklear and of course Billy Ray Cyrus help Destiny 'Miley' Cyrus bring the massively popular tween pop character to the big screen. In the wake of the vast box office for High School Musical 3, Hannah Montana looks like a safe bet for the big cinema smash of the Easter school break.
24: Dorian Gray (November)
The classic Oscar Wilde fable retold by an impressive collection of British thespian eye-candy including Colin Firth and Emilia Fox. Ben Barnes, little known outside the Narnia cognoscenti or the few remaining fans of doomed boyband Hyrise, plays the dissipated fop with the magical portrait.
23: Sherlock Holmes (November)
Some extraordinary casting distinguishes the umpteenth Holmes movie with Robert Downey Jr. as a tough, sword-flourishing Holmes and Jude Law as an even tougher, no-nonsense Watson in Guy Ritchie's 'reimagining' of the ultimate sleuth. Based on Lionel Wigram's comic book about the consulting detective rather than directly upon Conan Doyle's books, the film also features Rachel McAdams as Irene Adler, the captivating femme fatale introduced in an 1891 Holmes story A Scandal in Bohemia.
22: Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (July)
Playing fast and loose with the accepted chronology of the age of the dinosaurs this third instalment of the CGI school holiday favourite has the primitive mammal heroes of the first two films somehow getting mixed up with a 'lost world' of surviving dinosaurs trapped beneath a glacier. John Leguizamo, Queen Latifah, and Denis Leary provide voices for the computer created critters. Certain to both entertain undemanding under-fives and infuriate palaeontologists in equal measure, this has the air of being the last film in the series
21: Nottingham (November)
Russell Crowe plays dual roles in this revision of the Robin Hood legend. If you can trust anyone, it's a bona fide cinema genius like director Ridley Scott but Hood and Nottingham with the same face sounds like a recipe for chuckles rather than thrills.
20: Bride Wars (January)
Bride Wars is evidence that blockbuster movies aren't always for the boys. With a near-unbeatable chick flick cast (Kate Hudson, Anne Hathaway, Candice Bergen), it's an implausible tale of best friends clashing over a wedding day scheduling conflict. With the release date close enough to Valentine's Day to warrant inclusion on the schedule of a fair percentage of early February dinner dates, it stands a reasonable chance of a strong mid-table performance on the box-office charts for the year.
19: 2012 (July)
Master of disaster Roland Emmerich (The Day after Tomorrow, Godzilla, Independence Day) assembles an impressive cast including John Cusack, Thandie Newton, Woody Harrelson and Danny Glover for an apocalyptic epic based on a 7th Century Mayan prophecy. Never one to do things by halves, Emmerich will apparently open the film with the end of the world as we know it and let things escalate from there.
18: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (January)
Brad Pitt leads the cast of this fable taken from an F.Scott Fitzgerald story about a man who is born in his seventies and ages in reverse. Cate Blanchett and Tilda Swinton feature in a story that spans a lifetime.
17: The Lovely Bones (March)
Saoirse Ronan narrates from beyond the grave in this brave adaptation of Alice Sebold's practically unfilmable novel. A fine cast (not only Rachel Weisz and Susan Sarandon but also Stanley Tucci, former Soprano and now Life on Mars star Michael Imperioli and winner of the 'most unpredictable career choices' award Mark Wahlberg) added to Lord of the Rings (and more importantly Heavenly Creatures) director Peter Jackson's formidable talent promise a thoughtful, thought-provoking gem.
16: The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (no release date announced)
A Terry Gilliam film is always something of a curiosity: ploughing his own off-kilter furrow away from the calcified strictures of Hollywood cliché, he has made films that, while differing wildly in subject matter (Brazil, The Fisher King, Baron Munchausen), share a distinctively baroque surrealism. The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus is a curiosity even among Gilliam films, containing as it does the final performance of Heath Ledger. Because Ledger did not survive to complete the movie, Gilliam has enlisted Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell and Jude Law to share the lead role with the departed star. Adding an extra surreal twist to the Faustian fantasy, this is sure to be one of the most talked-about films of 2009.
15: Coraline (May)
Cult author Neil Gaiman's dark fairytale gets a faithful adaptation which will entrance anyone who enjoyed Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas or, indeed, anyone who has ever escaped through a secret door in their bedroom that leads to a mysterious parallel version of their own home.
14: They Came from Upstairs (July)
Ashley Tisdale, the delightfully pushy blonde Sharpay from High School Musical, leads a group of teens fighting an alien invasion in this light-hearted family adventure. Closer to Gremlins or Critters than War of the Worlds, They Came from Upstairs will be one of those guilty movie gems films you might take a young relative along to, but secretly quite enjoy.
13: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (June)
The inevitable sequel to last year's surprise hit features more action, more laughs, and more shape-shifting robots. Michael Bay and Shia LeBoef return as director and star respectively with the astoundingly attractive Megan Fox as Shia's love interest, a more international battleground and the eagerly anticipated introduction of fan favourite Soundwave. Official site
12: The Taking of Pelham 123 (August)
If there's a unifying trend to 2009 it's the classic remake, and The Taking of Pelham 123 is nothing if not a classic. A major influence on new genre filmmakers like Quentin Tarantino (note the colour-coded names for the main characters) the 1970s original doesn't seem in much need of an update. Nevertheless director Tony Scott, who's been a little quiet for the last few years, has recruited old pal Denzel Washington as well as John Travolta and James Gandolfini to revisit the brilliantly improbable tube train hijack caper. Purists who are wincing at the thought should probably know now that Scott plans to start work on a retread of The Warriors next.
11: The Informant (September)
Matt Damon and Scott Bakula star in Steven Soderbergh's promising black comedy based on a true story about the ostensibly dull world of agribusiness price fixing. If you enjoyed The Insider and would like to see much the same film again, but this time laced with some mordant humour and featuring a bipolar hero, this might be just the movie for you.
10: Inglourious Basterds (June)
Quentin Tarantino returns with an eclectic cast (Brad Pitt, Mike Myers and star of Hitcock's The Birds Rod Taylor) and another one of his playful reinventions of 1970s genre cinema. This time he moves from the American underworld to World War 2, with a team of Jewish-American special forces operating behind German lines, terminating Nazi commanders with extreme prejudice. Anyone who likes Tarantino, war movies in the vein of The Dirty Dozen or Nazis getting their comeuppance will undoubtedly love this movie. Fans of correct spelling may be less thrilled.
9: Terminator Salvation (June)
The long-awaited 'future war' segment of the Terminator saga, previously only hinted at in the first three movies, dominates proceedings in Charlie's Angels director McG's bold reawakening of the killer robot franchise. Christian Bale, fresh from his spectacular triumph as one fanboy hero in Dark Knight essays another - John Connor, charismatic leader of the anti-Skynet forces who the Terminators have been trying to eliminate for the last three films. Roland Kickinger will be the principal Terminator this because Arnold Schwarzenegger is said to be too busy running California to appear as the iconic cyborg killing machine and Anton Yelchin, Sam Worthington and Helena Bonham-Carter are along for the ride. Official site Trailer
8: Monsters vs. Aliens (April)
A CGI mock-B-movie with a distinctly eclectic cast list - Kiefer Sutherland, Hugh Laurie, and Stephen Colbert lend their voices., Monsters v Aliens will go some of the way towards sating the enormous demand for a second Incredibles movie. Reese Witherspoon provides the voice of a young Californian woman who grows to gigantic size, after a freak meteorite encounter, and is recruited into a secret agency of super-freaks who are sent to battle a gigantic alien robot.
7: Avatar (December)
James Cameron's long-awaited high-technology blockbuster shares some basic ideas with The Surrogates (Humans use humanoid remote drones, in this case to explore an alien planet) and some with Planet 51 (we are the invaders). In terms of technological ambition and cinematic reach though, this movie should be without equal. Sigourney Weaver, who combined so well for Cameron in the past reunites with her Aliens director As long as Cameron doesn't allow the story to become too cerebral for mainstream audiences Avatar stands a fair chance of being the biggest movie of the year.
6: Angels & Demons (May)
In the wake of the Da Vinci Code, another recklessly improbable Dan Brown adventure gets the Tom Hanks treatment. Ewan McGregor comes on board this time for a breakneck chase around Vatican City in search of some antimatter, the Illuminati and a decent haircut. The critics will snigger, and Dan Brown fans (of whom there are many) will ignore them and make May one of the busiest months at the box office. Teaser trailer
5: X-Men Origins: Wolverine (May)
Hugh Jackman's back for an X-Men prequel set 17 years before the action of the first movie.The film traces the early career of Logan, the indestructible mutant who will one day be X-Man Wolverine. Cameos from future X-Men and the chance to see how Logan acquired his deadly claws and curious hairdo give the film a geek power that will set the internet buzzing ahead of the premiere. It will be interesting to see how this performs after the third X-Men movie was seen by many to be something of a mis-step in the X-franchise.
4: Watchmen (March)
Alan Moore's superlative comic book finally, against the author's will, reaches the big screen. There's little doubt for anyone who's read the original comic that this movie will be a huge triumph. We know the ending has been amended but every scene that's been seen so far is slavishly faithful to Dave Gibbons's original drawings, with just a few costume tweaks to make Nite Owl look a little less ridiculous and Silk Spectre a little bit sexier. How Watchmen will play to audiences who haven't already been seduced by Moore's vision of a parallel universe Cold War showdown between the members of a disbanded hero team remains to be seen. You can be sure, however, that every comic geek in the western world will see this film, and either rave about it or rail against it on the internet for evermore.
3: Star Trek (May)
J.J. Abrams attempts to reinvigorate the slightly tired Star Trek franchise with a story set immediately before the action of the first TV series. Winona Ryder looks set for a return to the big leagues as Amanda Grayson – Spock's mum. British geek god Simon Pegg turns up as Scotty, and Zachary Quinto the dark presence at the heart of TV's Heroes certainly looks the part as a young Spock. Expect tricksy time travel shenanigans, freak transporter accidents and a clever, ubiquitous and ultimately slightly annoying viral marketing campaign.
2: Public Enemies (July)
Creator of Miami Vice Michael Mann guides the apparently tireless Christian Bale (who appears to be in every movie of any note these days) and Johnny Depp in a period gangster romp about the FBI's search for John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson and Pretty Boy Floyd that is perfectly timed to chime with the new Great Depression.
1: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (July)
Harry Potter fans will already have a fairly good idea of what happens in this, the sixth film in the hugely popular boy wizard film adapted from JK Rowling's all-conquering books. It was an early script draft of this film that prompted Rowling to 'out' Dumbledore while promoting the final Potter book.
The 50 Biggest Movies of 2009
Part 1 - 50-26 Biggest Movies.. selection for year 2009
50: The Pink Panther 2 (February 2009)
Moviegoers might well be tempted by the impressive cast lining up for this wholly unnecessary sequel to a completely superfluous continuation of the once mighty comedy franchise. Steve Martin, Jean Reno, John Cleese and Andy Garcia may be acting greats, but for signing up to this they should hang their heads in shame.
49: Friday the 13th (February)
Back to Camp Crystal Lake again. The twelfth (couldn't they have made it 13?) Friday the 13th movie is apparently a remake of the first film in the venerable teen slasher series, so long-time fans will have a fair idea what to expect. Probably not the ideal date movie for February 14.
48: Red Sonja (No release date announced)
Despite months of rumour about a new Conan movie, it's his female counterpart Red Sonja who seems to be returning to the big screen first. There's some confusion about a release date for this film although the generally reliable IMDB has it hitting screens in late 2009. Planet Terror and Sin City director Robert Rodriguez re-teams with Grindhouse alumna Rose McGowan, who seems a somewhat unlikely choice as the Xena-type who fights her way across a sword-and-sorcery Hyborian landscape wearing as little as the censors will allow.
47: Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian (May)
A repeat of 2006's 'museum comes to life' cameo jamboree with more or less everyone except Robin Williams back at the end of May to ham it up for the entertainment of young and undemanding cinemagoers. The film will need something very special in terms of advance reviews to give it any commercial visibility in what promises to be a very busy month at the movies. Ben Stiller, Amy Adams, Owen Wilson and Ricky Gervais are already crossing their fingers.
46: Fast & Furious (June)
Fourth in the franchise but (and pay attention, there will be a test) occupying the number three slot in the series narrative, the movie will take the story back to its very beginnings. Paul Walker and Vin Diesel reunite in the franchise that inspired a million minor motoring offences.
45: Spy Hunter (no release date announced)
Video game adaptations are rarely beloved of the cinema cognoscenti and there's little likelihood that Spy Hunter will break that honourable tradition. The game is a fairly routine 'heavily armed spy and supercar' adventure distinguished only by a voice and motion capture contribution from Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson who, one imagines, must be favourite to play the lead in what we can safely assume will be an undemanding popcorner. Englishman Paul WS Anderson, of Alien vs Predator and Resident Evil fame, is slated to direct.
44: Nine (December)
In a year packed with remakes, this is perhaps the bravest of all: taking on Fellini's hugely influential 8½ but going just that little bit further, it's the behind-the-scenes story of an Italian movie director featuring a stellar cast (Including Nicole Kidman, Daniel Day-Lewis, Sophia Loren, Penelope Cruz and Dame Judi Dench), some of whom will be singing. The purists will be furious, the rest of us merely sceptical. Mamma Mia it isn't.
43: Knowing (March)
A teacher (Nicolas Cage) opens a time capsule that has been dug up at his son's elementary school; in it are some chilling predictions -- some of events that have already occurred and others that are about to -- that lead him to believe his family plays a role in the events that are due to unfold.
42: Them (no release date announced)
Them, a recently announced feature to be directed by Sean of the Dead and Hot Fuzz's Edgar Wright, is not, as far as we can tell, an update of the hoary old giant ant chiller but a fictionalised adaptation of Jon Ronson's investigative book about the shadowy conspiracies that operate behind our notional governments. Unless it turns out that the Illuminati and the Bilderberg Group actually are all enormous ants.
41: Ninja Assassin (no release date announced)
Few star names – unless you remember Korean pop star Rain from the Wachowskis hallucinogenic Speed Racer – feature in this standard 'assassin rebels against his masters' tale. The title alone though promises to give Ninja Assassin that internet-friendly Snakes on a Plane appeal that should ensure a decent performance at the box office.
40: The Proposal (August)
A rom-com based on the morally rather questionable premise of a book editor (hence the title) forcing one of her subordinates to marry her so that she can gain US citizenship. Sandra Bullock is probably due another hit, and Malin Akerman still be surfing on the huge wave of excitement about Watchmen will but whether audiences will buy this rather dubious plot (remember Green Card?) remains to be seen.
39: Planet 51 (November)
A classic 1950s B-Movie plot – alien lands among the white picket fences of a fearful, simple small-town community. The twist is that the alien is an Earthly astronaut and the small town folk are little green men. A promising CG-animated caper for younger cinemagoers in the 2009 Christmas holiday.
38: The Box (March)
Set, apparently, in the Seventies, The Box is the story of a young married couple who are given a mysterious box that has uncanny, deadly powers. Somehow connecting time travel, the 1976 Viking Mars lander, teleportation and kipper ties. With former X-Man James Marsden, the always watchable Cameron Diaz and the sinister presence of Frank Langella it's an intriguing prospect indeed.
35: Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (January)
Rhona Mitra takes over from Kate Beckinsale as the female lead in the third instalment of the Vampires versus Werewolves saga. A prequel, it's set before the birth of Beckinsale's character, neatly sidestepping complaints about the regrettable absence of her PVC clad form. Unlikely to attract quite as many cinemagoers as its predecessor, it might still fill a dull winter's evening.
36: Creature from the Black Lagoon (no release date announced)
Little is known so far of this planned remake of the classic 1954 creature feature which is to be helmed by Sahara director Breck Eisner. Bill Paxton is rumoured to be leading the team, which discovers a hitherto undocumented amphibious humanoid in the depths of the South American jungle. In keeping with the current remake mania, Eisners next project is expected to be a new version of Flash Gordon.
35: G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra (August)
G.I Joe is a bigger name in the US: the toy line that we called Action Man gave rise to a popular 1980s cartoon series and long-running comics franchise. Without the solid bed of nostalgia that will give it a running start in its homeland, the movie's appeal over here stands or falls on its star director – Stephen Sommers from the enjoyably silly Mummy films - and stellar cast, including Christopher Eccleston and Sienna Miller as well as Sommers's old Mummy pals Brendan Fraser and Arnold Vosloo. If August 2009 is as much of a washout as 2008's, summer legions of staycationers will be flocking to cinemas looking for some easygoing escapism, and this might just be it.
34: Fanboys (February)
The long-delayed comedy which sees a group of rabid Star Wars fanatics attempting to steal an early print of The Phantom Menace for their dying pal finally gets a release early in 2009. A version of the movie with the cancer-stricken fan removed nearly made it to cinemas in 2008 but was met with a vast internet campaign that demonstrated the awesome power of the fanboy. We're assured that the movie will finally be released in early 2009.
33: Inkheart (January)
Brendan Fraser, fast becoming Hollywood's go-to guy whenever kiddie-friendly action is required, joins with Andy Serkis, the man behind Gollum and King Kong, in this umpteenth attempt at the now-traditional 'storybook miraculously comes to life' plot. A little early for the half term crowd, but Fraser's undeniable charm should bring in a few viewers.
32: The Surrogates (December)
A promisingly thoughtful sci-fi concept. Humanity is housebound and relies on remote-controlled drones to handle all the outdoors work. Bruce Willis stars as a futuristic detective investigating the apparent murder of these 'surrogates'alongside former Bond Girl Rosamund Pike and charismatic bruiser Ving Rhames.
31: The International (February)
What could be more timely than a drama about the international banking system? Clearly, the producers didn't appreciate the serendipity because it was delayed while additional, more action-packed, scenes were added. Will the world be tired of hearing about bankers by February? Naomi Watts and the thinking woman's action man Clive Owen rather hope not.
30: The Wolf Man (April)
We've had modern takes on Dracula, Frankenstein's monster and The Mummy, so it was only a matter of time before The Wolfman was disinterred for another howl around the moors. More important than star Benicio Del Toro will be the inclusion of everybody's favourite wolfman, makeup supremo Rick Baker who provided the eye-popping transformations in American Werewolf in London and The Howling. Anthony Hopkins turns up as the unfortunate lycanthrope's father. Art Malik and Hugo Weaving will also be along for what promises to be a dark and disturbing ride.
29: The Spirit (January)
Will Eisner was one of the first comics writers to achieve personal fame and his best known creation, The Spirit, is considered by aficionados to be one of the great heroes of comics' Golden Age. It's surprising that we've had to wait this long to see the lighthearted Noir detective on the big screen. The director who has brought The Spirit to life is Frank Miller, himself a star comics writer (he wrote 300 and completely reinvigorated the industry in the 1980s with his Dark Knight Batman miniseries). Featuring Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson and Eva Mendes the movie is shot in the same stylised hyper-realistic way that characterized Miller's previous movie, Sin City. The Spirit is unlikely to break out of the fanboy demographic, but should provide undemanding comic book thrills in the long, cold weeks before Watchmen appears
28: A Perfect Getaway (March)
A complex twisty-turny chase thriller filmed in Puerto Rico but set in Hawaii and starring Milla Jovovich and, in a rare lead role, Hitman star Timothy Olyphant. Ideal for movie fans who like to be kept guessing until the final scene, it's about a honeymooning couple pursued across the picturesque island by a pair of relentless killers. Expect the unexpected.
27: The Birds (no release date announced)
Few details are available about this re-make of Hitchcock's strangest movie. Naomi Watts is reputedly playing Melanie Daniels, the mischievous socialite portrayed byTippi Hedren in the 1963 film, and there's talk of George Clooney for the role of Mitch Brenner, the smoothly irresistible lawyer who draws her to the doomed township of Bodega Bay.
26: S. Darko (no release date announced)
An unexpected sequel to 2001's hallucinatory time loop brain-teaser Donnie Darko, which already has fans of the original film near-apoplectic at its superfluity. Curiosity value alone guarantees S. Darko a strong opening weekend. Word of mouth will determine whether it can survive in theatres for more than a week, but it could equally become a cult smash.
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