10 tips perniagaan internet

Di sini dikongsikan 10 tips untuk anda lakukan sepanjang 2010.Semoga tips-tips ini sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu anda.

1. Belajar membina minisite/website/blog bagi tujuan jualan.Tak kira sama ada yang berbayar atau percuma.

2. Kumpul senarai email dan pilih autoresponder yang terbaik.Ini sangat penting untuk pemasaran email

3. Rajin bertanya di forum perniagaan internet.Saya sarankan kepada yang baru untuk sertai forum wangcyber.com

4. Jika anda ada perniagaan offline,kembangkan pemasarannya kepada online.Ramai peniaga offline seperti penjual tudung dan pakaian telah berjaya mendapat keuntungan berlipat kali ganda setelah memasarkannya melalui internet.

5. Gunakan laman web mudah.my sebagai medium pemasaran produk fizikal, hartanah,automotif dan lain-lain produk yang sesuai.Keberkesanannya telah terbukti.

6. Jangan mudah terjebak atau terpedaya melalui penipuan di internet. Gunakan enjin carian seperti Google dan Yahoo untuk selidik dan siasat.

7. Kaji teknik usahawan internet yang berjaya dan aplikasikan teknik yang mereka lakukan.

8. Jangan bertangguh.Untuk mengatasi masalah ini memang memerlukan disiplin yang cukup tinggi.Lakukan perancangan masa dan berdisplin untuk ikut perancangan tersebut.

9. Dapatkan seorang mentor yang boleh membimbing anda.Tunjukkan komitmen anda untuk berjaya dan jangan hanya minta disuapkan ilmu dari mereka sahaja.

10. Melabur.Jangan berkira untuk melabur untuk mengembangkan perniagan internet anda.
Money makes money. << suka tengok line yang ni.. ;)

Thanks to teamaspirasicyber for this article.. Go to their homepage here

Dry Out A Wet Cellphone

Tragedy! Your phone got wet and now it won't turn on! What to do, what to do?! Well, there's actually several things you can do to draw out the moisture and rescue your phone from a watery grave:

You can put your phone in:

  • a ziplock bag of uncooked rice and let it sit for a few hours
  • a bag with some silica packets
  • a hearing aid dryer for a few hours
  • Place it in an oven with just the oven light on for a few days
  • A bag of clay-based absorbent
  • The sun

If your phone falls in salt water, you will want to bathe it first in distilled/deionized water first to remove the salt. Reader Ryan adds, "Actually a deionized/distilled water wash is useful even if the offending liquid isn't salt water. The minerals/ions in tap water are conductive and will remain after the water dries, potentially causing a short circuit later on. Most liquids have ions."

Certainly cheaper than buying a new phone.

original link here

10 Things You Didn’t Know Google Knows About You

When Sergey Brin and Larry Page met in the summer of 1995 they had no idea they were on the verge of creating the beginnings of an Internet Big Brother not even George Orwell could have imagined.

Originally called ‘Back Rub’ they worked on a project based on the idea that the links pointing to a document on the World Wide Web could be relevant to how important the document was.

They created an algorithm and called it PageRank after Larry Page. PageRank took into account the number of links pointing to a site and the number of links pointing to each of the linking sites.

This is of course a basic view of how events occurred, but eventually they had a system where more popular sites would rise to the top of their lists, and the less popular sites would drop to the bottom.

They named their new tool Google, after googol, which is the number equal to number 1 followed by 100 zeros. The first version of Google was revealed on the Stanford University website in August 1996 – just a year after they had first met.

Google has since become a HUGE private technology company employing over 20,000 employees located in Mountain View, California. Larry Page and Sergey Brin still act as key executives on the board of directors.

These days Google is way more than an effective tool to help you find a relevant page on the internet. As 2009 draws to a close, surfers are able to use the world’s biggest search engine in a bunch of different ways.

The company’s products for users include, but are not limited to:

Google Web, Image, Book or Blog Search, iGoogle and Personalized Search, Google Product Search, Google Custom Search, Google Chrome, Google Base, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Toolbar, Google Adsense, Google Adwords, Google Scholar, Google Finance, Google News, Google Video, Google Docs, Google Calendar, Gmail, Google Talk, Google Groups, Google Reader, Orkut, Blogger, YouTube, Google Pack, Picasa, Google Desktop for users, Google Display Advertising Program, Google GEO product line comprising Google Earth, Google Maps, and Google Sketchup, Google Checkout, Google Mobile Product Line, Google index, Google Maps and Satellite imagery; and Google Labs, a test-bed for engineers and Google users.

Google Wave is currently in Beta testing mode that will combine many of these services including e-mail, instant messaging, wikis, and social networking.

Most internet users will be familiar with at least half of these services, and a huge percentage of the global population are using them on a daily basis, giving Google the opportunity to know more about us than we probably consciously know about ourselves.

So What Exactly Does Google Know about YOU?

1. Have you ever had an embarrassing health problem that you preferred was not recorded on your medical history? Instead of going to visit your doctor you decided to google your symptoms and maybe even buy some medication online?

Perhaps this happened years ago and you had forgotten all about it?

Google hasn’t.

2. Google Docs allows users to create and save documents in a variety of formats, to share or save to your computer. If you create a document that you later delete because it might contain sensitive information – beware.

Google has a back up.

3. Did you ever use Gmail to write a drunken email to your ex? Something you have tried to forget?

Google remembers – that one and all the other private emails you have sent are safely stored in Google’s databases.

Maybe you don’t have a Gmail account? Well that’s OK; Google still has copies of your private messages because your friends and business partners use Gmail.

4. Google knows what you family and friends look like, where you went on your holidays and if you have skinny legs and look like a dork on the beach. If you use Picasa, Google probably even knows how many pets you have.

5. If you have a thing for watching teenagers messing around playing air guitars in their bedrooms, don’t think it is your little secret.

Google knows and records your searches and preferences and which videos you have watched on YouTube and Google Video.

6. If you have ever used Google Earth, one of the first places you would have looked at will naturally be your own home.

Now Google has a picture of where you live, not that they didn’t know anyway – if you use Google Adsense, Adwords, or Google Checkout they have all your financial details which include your address.

7. Have you or somebody living in your house, ever done a search on how to grow your own marijuana? Have you ever been worried about an alcohol or other addiction within your family? Do you search online for solutions to your rising debt or marriage problems?

It’s all there – just between you and Google.

8. Do you use Google Desktop?

A very handy application that will organize all the files on your PC, also gives Google access to them.

9. Google Reader is an aggregator, capable of reading Atom and RSS feeds online or offline, which is a very practical tool for keeping up to date with your favorite bloggers.

It also lets Google know which blogs you follow regularly, therefore revealing even more of your personal interests and passions, not that they didn’t have enough information on you already!

10. Did you have a terrible time a few months ago when you found out your partner was having an affair and decide to chuck all of their belongings out on the street in a mindless rage?

Oh there they are! A nice constant reminder on Google Street Maps. Hopefully that Google Street Car will be along soon and update the picture of your house.

Should You Really Care?

Most of us probably don’t have much too much to hide… and luckily for those who do, there are enough privacy laws in place for the most part to keep it stored safely on Google’s servers.

Personally I don’t care that Google knows how big my house is or that I sleep in the buff – if it remains private between me an Google. And that’s a big IF. Who knows when your friendly neighborhood hacker or disgruntled Google employee could know more about you… then you?

What do you think? Does Google know too much about you?

Love this post.. Please feel free to view the original post here

Tips Penjimatan Di Tahun Baru 2010

Dalam kita melakukan penjimatan, kita juga wajib menjaga wang kita daripada dibazirkan. Ianya amat penting bagi menampakkan hasil yang lebih berkesan dalam teknik penjimatan kita. Oleh itu, tahun 2010 adalah satu permulaan yang amat sesuai untuk kita untuk mengamalkan 5 perkara yang dinyatakan dibawah:

Sebagai permulaan, kaji semula perbelanjaan anda dan kenal pasti perbelanjaan tetap dan boleh ubah. Bagi perbelanjaan boleh ubah seperti makan di tempat kesukaan atau membeli belah, anda boleh mengurangkan atau mengehadkan kekerapannya dan apa yang diperlukan adalah sedikit disiplin dan perubahan kepada aktiviti sosial anda.

Perbelanjaan tetap pula ialah perbelanjaan yang tidak boleh dielak atau dikurangkan terus untuk disesuaikan dengan keadaan kewangan anda. Perkara yang selalunya dalam kategori ini melibatkan perbelanjaan besar seperti:
~ Pembiayaan rumah, kenderaan atau pinjaman pendidikan
~ Bil-bil utiliti seperti air, elektrik, telefon dan Internet.

Berkemungkinan akan tiba masanya kerajaan akan melaksanakan pakej rangsangan ekonomi seperti mengurangkan kadar faedah untuk menggalakkan orang ramai berbelanja. Anda boleh mendapat manfaat daripada pakej ini dengan mencari kadar yang lebih murah dan tawaran yang lebih baik untuk membiayai semula gadai janji yang ada.

Terdapat pelbagai pakej yang ditawarkan oleh bank-bank perdagangan dan anda hanya perlu memilih tawaran yang terbaik,
iaitu yang boleh menjimatkan kadar faedah yang dibayar. Langkah ini semestinya boleh menjimatkan wang anda dalam jangka masa panjang.

Ketika cuba mengurangkan kadar faedah yang dibayar dan memberi lebih nilai untuk wang, anda sepatutnya tidak lagi berbelanja dengan sewenang-wenangnya. Segala usaha anda dalam berjimat-cermat akan menjadi tidak berguna jika wang tunai berkurangan dan komitmen lain bertambah. Jadi, cuba kawal perbelanjaan anda. Ingat! Hanya berbelanja untuk keperluan dan tangguhkan apa yang boleh.

Jika anda gemar berbelanja menggunakan kad kredit tanpa sebarang rasa bersalah, sudah tiba masanya sifat tersebut dikikis. Dengan kebanjiran pelbagai jenis kad kredit di pasaran, sudah menjadi lumrah untuk seseorang memiliki banyak kad kredit. Kad kredit memang memberi kemudahan, namun ia boleh menyusahkan jika anda tidak berdisiplin apabila menggunakannya. Dengan kad kredit, anda sebenarnya berbelanja menggunakan duit yang anda tidak ada pada masa ini. Lagi banyak anda berbelanja dan berhutang dengan bank, lagi tinggi bayaran dikenakan selepas dicampur dengan bayaran kadar faedah dan caj-caj lain.

Oleh sebab itu, bagi menguruskan perbelanjaan anda dengan lebih baik, hadkan penggunaan kad kredit kepada satu atau dua kad sahaja serta sentiasa awasi baki bulanan yang ada. Elakkan hutang kad kredit anda daripada terus bertambah dan jika boleh, jelaskan kesemua hutang kad kredit setiap bulan.

Kegagalan untuk menyelesaikan hutang kad kredit boleh menyebabkan keadaan menjadi semakin buruk. Jika anda
melihat kepada bilangan orang yang telah muflis di Malaysia, anda akan dapati jumlah tersebut agak membimbangkan, tambahan pula ramai daripadanya terdiri daripada golongan muda.

Apabila anda telah mampu menguruskan wang, besar kemungkinan anda mempunyai lebihan wang tunai. Gunakan lebihan ini untuk membina simpanan. Simpanan ini hendaklah mampu bertahan selama 6 bulan untuk menanggung perbelanjaan kehidupan seharian. Andaikan anda diberhentikan kerja, manalah tahu... Jangan pula gunakan pampasan tersebut untuk mengubah suai rumah atau membeli kereta baru. Ia adalah simpanan anda. Simpan untuk waktu-waktu kecemasan. Jika anda mempunyai lebihan daripada simpanan, anda boleh ke langkah seterusnya.

Dibawah adalah langkah seterusnya jika anda telah berjaya melakukan simpanan hasil penjimatan anda...!
Jika tiada simpanan, adalah mustahil untuk anda melakukan langkah ke-6 dibawah ini:



Inside of every problem lies an opportunity - Robert Kiyosaki

Kebanyakan orang gagal kerana apabila peluang datang, mereka tidak mampu kerana tiada lebihan wang, tiada simpanan kerana tidak pernah melakukan penjimatan. Anda pasti tidak mahu termasuk dalam golongan ini. Jadi, mulakan tahun 2010 anda dengan cemerlang.

Sebenarnya, ketika waktu yang tidak menentu maka akan muncul peluang-peluang yang baik dalam pelaburan, tidak kira dalam pasaran saham, hartanah atau produk pelaburan yang lain. Oleh itu, jika anda mempunyai lebihan wang, pelajari kaedah dan carilah peluang-peluang pelaburan yang ada dengan mengambil kira tahap toleransi risiko anda.

Walaupun begitu, anda perlu berhati-hati dengan keputusan pelaburan yang dibuat terutamanya apabila anda melabur dengan wang hasil titik peluh dan penat lelah anda. Dengan perancangan dan disiplin diri, anda mampu untuk mengharungi apa juga keadaan ekonomi di tahun 2010.

Semoga berjaya...!

Thanks bro razif yusof for article sharing,

Usahawan Mestilah Merancang

Sebagai seorang usahawan internet, kita sangat-sangat
memerlukan perancangan yang rapi. Perancangan yang
dimaksudkan ialah perancangan mengenai projek atau
kempen pemasaran yang bakal kita jalankan melalui internet.
Kepentingan perancangan dalam perniagaan ini tidak boleh
diabaikan. Tentu anda masih ingat atau pernah dengar
mengenai kejatuhan dot-com pada tahun 2000 yang lalu
dimana beratus-ratus syarikat berasaskan internet telah
gagal di saat kejatuhan ekonomi. Syarikat-syarikat tersebut
dikatakan mempunyai perancangan yang lemah.
Beberapa faktor yang harus anda ambil kira dalam
membuat perancangan untuk membina perniagaan
internet anda adalah seperti apakah niche pasaran yang
anda libatkan diri, persaingan, dan perkembangan permintaan
terkini di pasaran.
Berikut dikongsikan beberapa langkah penting
yang boleh anda ambil ketika melakukan sesebuah
perancangan dalam melancarkan sesuatu projek berkaitan
bisnes internet.
Kajian pasaran dan permintaan ialah langkah pertama yang
wajib kita lakukan. Kita mesti tahu apakah pasaran
yang mempunyai permintaan dan mempunyai potensi untuk
menjana pendapatan melaluinya.
Diantara pasaran yang mempunyai permintaan dan para
prospek di dalam pasaran tersebut sanggup untuk
membelanjakan wang adalah seperti pasaran kesihatan dan
perhubungan (relationship seperti ber-dating & hal-hal hubungan
suami isteri). Kedua-dua market ini memang terbukti lumayan
dan orang sanggup bayar untuk mendapatkan produk berkaitan
pasaran tersebut di internet.
Ini adalah dua contoh sahaja di mana masih terdapat lagi
pasaran yang lumayan di luar sana.
Setelah anda mengenali pasaran yang mempunyai potensi
untuk menjana wang, anda bolehlah membangunkan
produk atau servis yang boleh memberi penyelesaian masalah
di dalam pasaran berkenaan.
Sewaktu membuat perancangan tersebut, anda seharusnya
berupaya menyenaraikan segala kebaikan dan kekurangan
produk yang bakal anda pasarkan, siapakah pesaing
yang bakal anda hadapi dan siapakah prospek
sasaran sebenar anda. Prospek sasaran anda mestilah
spesifik di mana anda perlu mengetahui maklumat dari
segi jantina, linkungan umur, tempat tinggal dan lain-lain
ciri demografik yang lain.
Pepatah ada mengatakan "Not everyone is your prospect"
harus anda pegang selagi anda menjalankan perniagaan.
anda yang menetapkan ciri-ciri demografik tersebut.
Begitu juga dari segi bajet kos modal yang diperlukan dan
tempoh masa yang anda perlukan bagi menjalankan sesuatu
projek atau kempen pemasaran internet anda. Adakah ia
bersifat jangka masa pendek seperti membuat jualan
promosi terhad ataupun ia bersifat jangka masa panjang
seperti jualan akan di buka sepanjang tahun.
Maklumat-maklumat seperti di atas tidak harus anda
abaikan ketika melakukan aktiviti perancangan dalam
perniagaan internet anda.

Quiz: Do You Love Your Job?

Quiz: Do You Love Your Job?

Robert Half International

How much do you love your job? We all know people who have happily found a compatible, lifelong profession and others who just can't seem to settle on one career path. Where do you fall along this spectrum? Take our quiz and find out!

1. Which statement best describes your overall attitude about your career?
A. Without work, I'd feel empty and life would have little meaning.
B. I work to pay the bills.
C. My career is a fulfilling part of my life. I derive a great deal of satisfaction and enjoyment from my work, as I do from other parts of my life.
D. I've done a lot of different kinds of work, but I haven't found anything I'd commit to for the long-term.

2. If you were to lose your current job tomorrow, what would you do?
A. I'd have no reason to get out of bed in the morning.
B. I'd be glad, because I'm bored with this job already.
C. Initially, I'd feel disappointed. But then I'd assess my options, activate my professional network and launch a full-scale job search.
D. I would be disappointed at first, but given time, I might actually look forward to moving on to something new.

3. How would you characterize your career plan?
A. It's solid. I don't let anything get in the way of achieving my professional goals.
B. I don't really have a career plan; I just go where my career takes me.
C. My career plan is like an unfinished painting within an established framework. I know where I'd like to go, but I'm open-minded and flexible about how best to get there.
D. My "plan" is to preserve my freedom as much as possible and not get stuck in a routine.

4. What's your attitude about having to work overtime?
A. I'm usually so wrapped up in what I'm doing that I end up staying after hours anyway.
B. I only put in the hours that are required; there's no overtime for me.
C. I accept it as an inevitable and occasionally necessary part of today's workplace.
D. If I'm asked to work overtime too often, I'll probably put feelers out for a new job.

5. Which choice best describes your relationship with your supervisor?
A. I want her job. Then I want her supervisor's job.
B. I try to stay out of my manager's way.
C. My supervisor is a mentor as well as a capable manager.
D. I'm not too close with my boss, since I don't stay at any job for too long.

6. Which of the following best describes your relationships with your co-workers?
A. If they can help me advance in my career, I cultivate a close professional relationship.
B. I wouldn't be able to survive without them; bantering with my colleagues helps me pass the hours.
C. I generally like the people I work with and enjoy collaborating with them.
D. I don't know them that well, but they seem friendly.

7. A co-worker takes full credit for a project on which you did the majority of the work. As a result, she -- not you -- will be considered for a promotion to a higher-paying, more prestigious position. How do you handle this situation?
A. I would consult with an attorney about my options for redress. At the very least, I would send a letter to the CEO and request a meeting to air my grievances.
B. I'd let her have the promotion -- although I could use the extra cash, I really don't want the additional responsibilities.
C. I'd request a private meeting with my immediate supervisor and explain my role in the project. If my co-worker receives the promotion anyway, I'd try to get over the episode and move on.
D. I've been considering a career change anyway, so ultimately it doesn't matter.

8. You make a mistake on a project. Another member of your work team corrects it. How do you react?
A. I offer to buy my co-worker a fancy lunch in hopes she won't tell the boss.
B. Mistakes happen, and I appreciate my co-worker covering for me.
C. I thank my co-worker for catching the error and try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
D. The mistake is probably a sign that it's time to look for another job that stimulates and engages me more.

9. You're on a weeklong vacation in Costa Rica. You didn't think you'd be accessible, but there's an Internet café at your hotel. How often do you check in with the office?
A. I answer most of my e-mail every day so there will be less work go come back to.
B. Never.
C. I scan e-mail once or twice to make sure nothing important has come up.
D. I e-mail my manager to say that I'm considering pursuing a new career as a surfing instructor and not to expect me back anytime soon.

10. Your significant other is transferred to a new position 3,000 miles away. What do you do?
A. I suggest a long-distance relationship since this will give me more time to work.
B. I give notice and start packing.
C. I check with my employer about opportunities within the company in the new location. If there are none, I revise my career plan accordingly and start a long-distance job search.
D. I can't wait to start a new career in a new city.

Answer Key

If most of your answers were...

A: Be careful -- that's not the best grade on this quiz. In fact, too many A's may mean you have an unhealthy obsession for your job. Does the term "workaholic" ring any bells? You tend to put work before everything else, including relationships with others and even your own well-being. Because you often focus on the job to the exclusion of other aspects of your life, you're at real risk for burnout. You also may alienate your boss and others you are trying to impress by being too competitive; teamwork requires shining the spotlight on others, and, on occasion, admitting you're wrong. Develop a hobby, set aside time to socialize and relax. You'll find that it actually pays off professionally. You'll have more energy and creativity at work if you lead a balanced life. Good luck!

B: You're at the opposite extreme of the A type. In fact, you have very little interest in -- or passion for -- the work you've chosen. It's time to re-evaluate your goals and aspirations. What do you really want to do with your life? What are your major talents and strengths? What's your idea of the perfect job? What matters most to you? If you can answer these questions honestly, you'll be able to determine what sort of job best aligns with your core values and abilities. Then you can begin to chart a more satisfying career path and find work you really love.

C: Congratulations! You've been fortunate enough to find a career that's rewarding and fulfilling. You're passionate about your work without crossing the line into obsession. You have a healthy outlook that will enable you to weather job-related setbacks with poise, and you've been able to achieve a balance between work and your personal life. The fact that you have a clear career path enables you to acquire new skills while advancing professionally.

D: It's the first letter in "dilettante," which is what you tend to be when it comes to your professional life. You are most likely ambitious and multitalented, but have trouble settling down because it means foregoing other choices. This isn't necessarily a bad quality – many people change careers several times throughout their lives – but you should try to make sure these switches in direction are based on careful thought and consideration rather than impulse. Perhaps you're reluctant to commit to one job or career because you haven't prioritized your goals. Since it's impossible to do everything, try narrowing your options by assessing your talents and preferences. Ask basic questions – do I like to work with people or am I happier with solitary pursuits? Do I have a knack for mathematics, science, languages, music, art or sales? Could my interest in a particular field lead to a career or merely a hobby? Can I make money at this? Do I want to do this work 40 or more hours a week? Finding the answers to these questions is the first step toward committing to a career choice.

Robert Half International Inc. is the world's first and largest specialized staffing firm with a global network of more than 330 offices throughout North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. For more information about our professional services, please visit www.rhi.com.

Nokia 5230

Ni satu lagi handphone yang aku suka tgk...baru je aku perasan n baru je kuar..... silalah baca specnye die bawah yer..

Nokia 5230 Specifications

Nokia 5230 specifications including size, weight, screen, memory, network support , battery performance and features.
General & Hardware
Date Announced 2009, 3Q
Network Technology GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
HSDPA 900 / 2100
HSDPA 850 / 1900 (US)
Dimensions (mm) 111 x 51.7 x 15
Weight (g) 115
Screen Size 3.2inch, 640x360, touchscreen
Screen Color TFT 16.7 Million colors
Type Blok
Other Keys Accelerometer sensor
Antenna Fixed Internal
Internal(MB) 70
Memory Slot Micro SD (up to 16GB)
Battery Type Li-Ion 1320 mAh(BL-5J)
Stand-by (hrs) 432
TalkTime(min) 420
MP3 Yes
FM Radio Yes
TV Receiver Null
Video Record Yes, 30 fps
Video Support MPEG4, WMV, 3GPP, RV
Audio Support MP3, WMA, WAV, RA, AAC, M4A
3.5 mm audio jack
Email Yes
HSDPA Yes, HSDPA 3.6Mbps
3G Yes
EDGE Class 32
GPRS Class 32
Bluetooth Yes, v 2.0 (A2DP)
USB Port Yes
Infrared (IrDA) No
Data Cable Micro USB
Platform / OS Symbian v9.4 - Series 60 5th Edition
Java (J2ME) Yes
WAP Yes Ver 2.0
Browser xHTML, HTML
Predictive Text Entry Handwriting recognition, T9
Other Application Document viewer (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF), Photo Editor, A-GPS, Ovi-Maps, Windows Media Player 11
Themes Yes
Caller ID Photo Caller ID
ProfileID Yes
Camera Specifications
Lens Type CMOS, 2.0 Megapixel
Digital zoom 3x
Max. Resolution 1600 x 1200
Flash No
Night Mode Yes
Extra Features
Photo Format
Video Yes, 30 fps
Video Format 640x360
Disclaimer : The Nokia 5230 specifications is just for reference only.

Say it to myself once again...keep on wishing Mr Serindit!

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

Suka tgk handphone ni,, salah satu handphone idaman yg dah lama aku perhatikan dari die kuar.... handphone2 lain yang aku suka tgk,, E71, pun cantik, 5230 yang baru kuar pun cantik jugak....... So keje aku ialah browse around,, masuk kat web mobile88,, ni spec die yang aku nak kongsi....

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Specifications

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic specifications including size, weight, screen, memory, network support , battery performance and features.
General & Hardware
Date Announced 2008, 2Q
Network Technology HSDPA / WCDMA / Quad-band GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 Mhz / UMTS
Hardware/Processor ARM 11, 369 MHz
Dimensions (mm) 111 x 51.7 x 15.5 mm
Weight (g) 109
Available colours Black
Screen Size 3.2 inches, 360 x 640 pixels (16:9 ratio) , Touchscreen (geo-tagging capability)
Screen Color TFT 16 million colors
Type Candybar
Navigation Key Automatic Orientation Sensor, Mediabar Touch key
Other Keys Virtual QWERTY Keyboard, Accelerometer Sensor
Antenna Fixed Internal
Internal(MB) 81 MB (8GB memory card included)
Memory Slot microSD (Trans Flash), up to 16GB
Battery Type Li-Ion 1320 mAh
Stand-by (hrs) 405
TalkTime(min) 530
MP3 Yes
FM Radio Yes
TV Receiver TV - out port
Video Record Yes, video recording, 30fps
Video Support H.263, Flash Video, H.264/AVC, MPEG-4, RealVideo 7,8,9/10, WMV 9
Audio Support AAC, AAC+, eAAC+, MP3, MP4, M4A, WMA, AMR-NB, AMR-WB, Mobile XMF, SP-MIDI, MIDI, RealAudio 7,8,10, True tones, WAV
3.5mm Audio Jack
Games Yes
Email Yes
WIFI/WLAN Yes, 802.11b/g
3G Yes
Bluetooth Yes, ver 2.0 (A2DP)
USB Port Yes
Infrared (IrDA) No
Data Cable Micro USB
Platform / OS Symbian v9.4 - S60 5th Edition
Java (J2ME) Yes ,Java MIDP 2.1
WAP Yes Ver 2.0
Browser Yes, WAP 2.0 / x HTML, HTML
Predictive Text Entry T9, Handwriting recognition
PIM Application Calculator, Calendar, Currency converter, Reminders, Document viewer
Other Application Nokia Maps 2.0, GPS receiver, A-GPS, Document Viewer (Excel, PDF, Powerpoint, Word), Zip, Flash Lite 3.0
Themes Yes
Caller ID Photo ID
ProfileID yES
Camera Specifications
Lens Type CMOS with Carl Zeiss Lens, 3.2 Megapixel
Digital zoom 3x
Max. Resolution 2048 x 1536 pixels (Secondary: 320x240)
Flash Yes
Night Mode Yes
Extra Features Auto Exposure, Auto Focus, Self-timer
Photo Format
Video Yes, video recording, 30fps
Video Format 640 x 360
Disclaimer : The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic specifications is just for reference only. nice....cuma disebabkan faktor kewangan,, plus ngn skang ni aku tgh busy ngn persiapan ke alam baru.... So tunggu lah dulu...nanti kalau ada rezeki aku beli jugak.... ;) The thing yang aku rasa best handphone ni sebab skrin die besar,, plus ada GPS yg aku suka nak tgk.. n design die kot..... Keep on wishing Mr Serindit!

Kod Etika Blogger

Wah...selama ni aku tak tau pun ada kod etika blogger.....
Baru je dapat email dari IM tempatan......yg bercerita tentang kod etika blogger,,

kalau nak tau lebih lanjut...sila la ke link kat bawah ni ye...


Cafe World Tips, Secrets and Hints Unleashed

For those who love to play Cafe World in FB,, here's something for you...Check it out!

Cafe World Tips, Secrets and Hints Unleashed

Ahhh the famous Facebook games. There's Farmville, Mafia Wars and now the one I'm the most addicted to: Cafe World! I just love it, it feels great to build your own place like that and decorate it.

Over the weeks I've found out some tips and secrets so without further ado, here they are... Enjoy!

Cafe World tips and hints #1 : Don’t forget that you can close your cafe by removing the door. Close your cafe if you run out of foods so your clients don’t get angry!

Cafe World tips and hints #2 :Visit your neighbors regularly and eat their foods. You can earn more café points that way.

Cafe World tips and hints #3 :Make plans. You have to know when you’ll be able to play next. Let’s say that you plan to go back online to play Cafe World 2 days after, make sure to cook foods that take 2 days to complete. That way, when you go online, you have freshly cooked foods ready to be served.

Cafe World tips and hints #4 :Cook foods that have long cooking times. You earn more experience!

Cafe World tips and hints #5 :The longer you cook the food, the longer it takes for that food to spoil. Remember that!

Cafe World tips and hints #6 :Your cook doesn’t need direct access to the counter. When the food is cooked, it will be brought to the counter magically (or maybe by some ninja ghost cook?) when you click the oven.

Cafe World tips and hints #7 :You can have more than one door if you feel like it! Sometimes it can help for different situations.

Cafe World tips and hints #8 :The highest Buzz rating you can get is 105. The higher your Buzz rating, the more customers will enter you cafe, the more dishes you will have to serve, the more coins you will earn. More work equals more coins!

Cafe World tips and hints #9 :Never forget that Buzz rating freezes when you go offline. Buzz rating goes up for every satisfied customer and goes down for customers who were not served properly.

Cafe World tips and hints #10 :This one is more of a glitch/cheat and note that they may fix it! Basically you have to trap your waiters in a corner so that they can’t reach the tables. That way, the food will magically be served to your customers as soon as they sit. Woohoo, no more waiting time!

There are many other tips, hints and secrets, that's just the tip (sorry, bad pun!) of the iceberg. I could list a lot more but frankly, I have to say that some of them came from a guide I bought called Cafe World Domination. If you guys feel like it and want to be some of the best at this game, definitely check it out. You can simply check out: Cafe World Hints and Tips.

Okay one last tip that since you're still reading: if you want to save some money, don't clean the stove after you've served the meals. Just open the "customize" tab and drag your dirty stove intro your inventory. Why? Because you can then drag it back out and it'll be shiny! You don't get the +1 Cafe Point though.

Hopefully you learned some nice tips and secrets for Cafe World, but if you really want to be part of the best players, you need the guide!

Author: Manza

About the Author:

I'm an avid Cafe World player. I know a lot of tips and secrets, but if you want to learn more of them, check this guide out!

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Cafe World Tips, Secrets and Hints Unleashed

Mencari Rezeki Halal

love this post.....
sesetengah wording yang aku copy dari email yg aku terima.....


Sesungguhnya...punca rezeki adalah di tanganNya.. bukan pada

" Ask for God help, because all these thing belong to HIM..!'


Dunia perniagaan ini seperti kita seumpama merentasi sungai yang
mempunyai arus yang deras!...

kenapa ya? Ini kerana perniagaan sentiasa ada
halangan dan cabaran..Hanya perniaga atau usahawan yang mempunyai
kekuatan mental dan azam untuk berjaya sahaja yang layak melaluinya..
Dan ingat!! kesusahan dalam perniagaan sentiasa akan
muncul....Jadi anda hendak lah bersiap sedia untuk hadapinya..

bak kata pepatah...

" kita tidak boleh menjangka apa yang akan terjadi pada masa akan datang,
tetapi kita boleh bersedia untuk hadapinya.."

'first rules of business, protect your investment'


apapun,,dalam setiap perkara yang kite buat...kita perlu ikhlaskan diri dan berserah padaNya...
Dia yang memberi kita rezeki,, kalau betul jalan yang kita pilih, insyaALLAH semuanya akan dipermudahkan...

Thanks saudara ashraf aka cybersyndrome,

sila2lah lawat web beliau di www.rahsiamodal.com

Exploring The Benefit Of Organic Food

In today's society – with an ever vigilant eye towards health consciousness – we are forever in search of those factors that will give us the edge in achieving maximum health. As we've learned, a healthy diet, a consistent regime of physical activity, and plenty of rest all has a profound impact on our overall vitality. Subsequently, there has been an overwhelming group of people that swear by the benefit of organic food.

Produced by organic farms, organic food is grown under strict government supervision. Under these guidelines, organic produce is grown and packaged without the use of any chemicals or pesticides. Traditionally grown, non-organic produce is subjected to a myriad of chemicals – most of which are have not been studied thoroughly enough to understand or contemplate their long-term effects on the human body. Researchers are still undecided as to whether or not these chemicals can be linked to everything from food allergies to certain types of cancer. The benefit of organic food is that they are not subjected to these unreliable substances.

Meat and dairy produced under organic guidelines are also chemical free. Traditional agricultural farmers often subject livestock to a bevy of chemical supplements designed to speed their growth and weight. Further, dairy cows are often given chemicals to increase their milk production. The benefit of organic food is that livestock is given only organic feed that is chemical and supplement free.

Another benefit of organic food is its advantage to the environment. Traditionally grown produce are treated with chemicals; naturally the chemicals are then in the soil, changing the landscape and contaminating the ground and surrounding water supplies. The benefit of organic food is the ground in which it is grown is left unchanged.

Making a commitment to organic food means making a commitment to your health; the benefit of organic food lies in the chemical free enjoyment of natural whole food. Further, the benefits to the environment are varied and long lasting. The decision to go organic is a healthy and responsible one.

World Cup 2010 Groups

World Cup 2010 group tables & fixtures

FIFA World Cup : Group A Table
Friday, 4 December 2009 19:22 UK
1 France 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Mexico 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 South Africa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Uruguay 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Group A fixtures

Friday, 11 June 2010
South Africa v Mexico, Gp A, 15:00
Uruguay v France, Gp A, 19:30

Wednesday, 16 June 2010
South Africa v Uruguay, Gp A, 19:30

Thursday, 17 June 2010
France v Mexico, Gp A, 12:30

Tuesday, 22 June 2010
France v South Africa, Gp A, 15:00
Mexico v Uruguay, Gp A, 15:00
FIFA World Cup : Group B Table
Friday, 4 December 2009 19:23 UK
1 Argentina 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Greece 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Nigeria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 South Korea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Group B fixtures

Saturday, 12 June 2010
Argentina v Nigeria, Gp B, 12:30
South Korea v Greece, Gp B, 15:00

Thursday, 17 June 2010
Argentina v South Korea, Gp B, 19:30
Greece v Nigeria, Gp B, 15:00

Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Greece v Argentina, Gp B, 19:30
Nigeria v South Korea, Gp B, 19:30
FIFA World Cup : Group C Table
Friday, 4 December 2009 19:23 UK
1 Algeria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 England 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Slovenia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 USA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Group C fixtures

Saturday, 12 June 2010
England v USA, Gp C, 19:30

Sunday, 13 June 2010
Algeria v Slovenia, Gp C, 12:30

Friday, 18 June 2010
England v Algeria, Gp C, 19:30
Slovenia v USA, Gp C, 15:00

Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Slovenia v England, Gp C, 15:00
USA v Algeria, Gp C, 15:00
FIFA World Cup : Group D Table
Friday, 4 December 2009 19:24 UK
1 Australia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Germany 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Ghana 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Serbia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Group D fixtures

Sunday, 13 June 2010
Germany v Australia, Gp D, 15:00
Serbia v Ghana, Gp D, 19:30

Friday, 18 June 2010
Germany v Serbia, Gp D, 12:30

Saturday, 19 June 2010
Ghana v Australia, Gp D, 12:30

Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Australia v Serbia, Gp D, 19:30
Ghana v Germany, Gp D, 19:30
FIFA World Cup : Group E Table
Friday, 4 December 2009 19:24 UK
1 Cameroon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Denmark 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Netherlands 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Japan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Group E fixtures

Monday, 14 June 2010
Japan v Cameroon, Gp E, 15:00
Netherlands v Denmark, Gp E, 12:30

Saturday, 19 June 2010
Cameroon v Denmark, Gp E, 19:30
Netherlands v Japan, Gp E, 15:00

Thursday, 24 June 2010
Cameroon v Netherlands, Gp E, 19:30
Denmark v Japan, Gp E, 19:30
FIFA World Cup : Group F Table
Friday, 4 December 2009 19:24 UK
1 Italy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 New Zealand 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Paraguay 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Slovakia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Group F fixtures

Monday, 14 June 2010
Italy v Paraguay, Gp F, 19:30

Tuesday, 15 June 2010
New Zealand v Slovakia, Gp F, 12:30

Sunday, 20 June 2010
Italy v New Zealand, Gp F, 15:00
Paraguay v Slovakia, Gp F, 12:30

Thursday, 24 June 2010
Paraguay v New Zealand, Gp F, 15:00
Slovakia v Italy, Gp F, 15:00
FIFA World Cup : Group G Table
Friday, 4 December 2009 19:24 UK
1 Brazil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Ivory Coast 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Korea DPR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Portugal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Group G fixtures

Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Brazil v North Korea, Gp G, 19:30
Ivory Coast v Portugal, Gp G, 15:00

Sunday, 20 June 2010
Brazil v Ivory Coast, Gp G, 19:30

Monday, 21 June 2010
Portugal v North Korea, Gp G, 12:30

Friday, 25 June 2010
North Korea v Ivory Coast, Gp G, 15:00
Portugal v Brazil, Gp G, 15:00
FIFA World Cup : Group H Table
Friday, 4 December 2009 19:25 UK
1 Chile 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Honduras 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Spain 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Switzerland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Group H fixtures

Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Honduras v Chile, Gp H, 12:30
Spain v Switzerland, Gp H, 15:00

Monday, 21 June 2010
Chile v Switzerland, Gp H, 15:00
Spain v Honduras, Gp H, 19:30

Friday, 25 June 2010
Chile v Spain, Gp H, 19:30
Switzerland v Honduras, Gp H, 19:30